SOTD Saturday August 6th-Friday August 12th 2016

Pre-shave: 1912 face soap
Soap: 1912 Parma Violet
Razor: Ever Ready 1912 SE
Brush: Custom Rubber Set
Post-shave: Black Violets Oil PP

Fri 12th Aug
Omega s10065
Williams Ice Blue cream
Schick Dial Adjustable
Schick S/S Twin [ 7- Japan ]
Alum Rub & Rinse off
Williams AV Ice Blue A/S lotion

Chose to use a cream today instead of usual soap. Actually worked extremely well , and had a
really smooth and comfortable close shave . Amazed how after a few days continuous use of this razor, shave time seems to get quicker.

My first shave with the GEM 1912 Damaskeene and a vintage stropping blade. First time I've used both the razor and this type of blade and it went well. I gave it a strop afterwards and think I did OK... Who knows?!

The blade was sharp thanks to @billyfergie and knocked down the whiskers with relative ease. Enjoyed the shave!

- GEM 1912 Damaskeene

- Omega Professional 49

- P&B Solaris

- Alum

- Thayers Aloe WH

- Speick AB

image.jpg SOTD Friday 12th August 2012. Good morning shave room.
Shave kit today is....ATT S2 with Astra SP blade second use, Blues shaving soap, omega boar hair brush and a splash or two of Joop.
Showered and fully hydrated I whipped up the soap and this time I got a good lather, I have found this soap takes quite a bit of water to get the consistency correct. I performed my normal three pass shave and apart from one very small weeper on my chin did very well, billard ball smooth as I like it! Finished off with a splash of thayers witch hazel followed by a splash or two of Joop. Good shave.
Whishing you a fantastic Friday and a great weekend, over and out.
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