2018 New Years Resolutions

Thursday May 28, 2015
Stoke on Trent, Staffordshire
So, it's that time of year where we have to ponder our resolutions. You know, the targets we plan to reach, but never seem to! What have you got up your sleeve for 2018?

For me it is:

Keep within my 5lb weight window, continuation from the last 2 years (have actually achieved this)
Try not to buy any new shave soap (this is most likely going to be broken)

I can't think of much more that I want to try and keep to at the moment, but I am sure to add to this list later on :)
Build up the mileage on my bike so that I can ride with the club again.... I can currently manage about 30 - 35 miles and keep up with the pace.... I need to be able to do 50 - 55 miles and keep up with the pace before I can show my face again :)

No more razor, brush and soap purchasing.... hard one to keep for 52 weeks.
I want to lose a few lbs.
Have a few months detoxing. No Beer.
Renovate the Kitchen.

.........and buy as much shaving gear as I can afford. :)
I ought not mention this, but you might be pleased to hear that the detox part of your resolution is something you can forget; biologocally-speaking it's bollocks. We already have kidneys and a liver that detox our systems on a daily basis: the only time we ever need a detoxing regime is if we've been exposed to heavy metals like cadminum which our systems cannot process and expel. Cutting-down on the beer will help your liver function which will actually improve your body's own detoxificating abilities.

My resolution is to try to make Cognitive Behavioural Therapy work for me and help me sort-out anxiety problems that I've struggled-with for a couple of years.
I ought not mention this, but you might be pleased to hear that the detox part of your resolution is something you can forget; biologocally-speaking it's bollocks. We already have kidneys and a liver that detox our systems on a daily basis: the only time we ever need a detoxing regime is if we've been exposed to heavy metals like cadminum which our systems cannot process and expel. Cutting-down on the beer will help your liver function which will actually improve your body's own detoxificating abilities.

My resolution is to try to make Cognitive Behavioural Therapy work for me and help me sort-out anxiety problems that I've struggled-with for a couple of years.
I am very glad you mentioned this Chris and as a result I will just cut down as apposed to quitting drink for a few months.
Happy days:)

With regards to anxiety I feel for you my friend. It is still a taboo subject and I for one have suffered in the past from it.
I am not sure if one can ever disperse anxiety totally but with help it can be combated.
I wish you all the very best with this regards.
I am very glad you mentioned this Chris and as a result I will just cut down as apposed to quitting drink for a few months.
Happy days:)

With regards to anxiety I feel for you my friend. It is still a taboo subject and I for one have suffered in the past from it.
I am not sure if one can ever disperse anxiety totally but with help it can be combated.
I wish you all the very best with this regards.
Thanks for the kind words. I think, regarding detox diets and similar regimes, they feel as though they must be doing some good, and, of course, by limiting calorie intake, they will promote short-term weight loss. I also have no doubt that eating/drinking an entirely plant-based diet for a week helps in that respect as well; the problem is that any improvement that results is usually transitory. What is, IMO, unsupported by research is the idea that the body needs to be placed in caloric defecit or given specific plant-based substances in order to be able to filter-out toxins. Between them, the liver and kidneys manage this fine as long as they are undamaged and in a healthy state. In general, moderating alcohol intake (and, in particular, spreading-out that intake rather than going for five or six days without and then drinking 12 pints or loads of mixed drinks on one night) helps the digestive and excretory systems do what's needed.
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@Wayne Pritchard & @chrisbell - I too have suffered from my fair share of anxiety, depression and PTSD. I found CBT worked far better than anything else for me. The turning point for myself was taking home the lessons that CBT governs, and practising them daily. Without this daily reminder I would feel worse. Now I'm at a point where I can start phasing it back as the anxiety aspects are diminished, as are the PTSD symptoms. :)

My resolution is to get fitter again (subjective). I used to weight-lift through uni, alongside playing rugby, and could bench 85kg for 3 rep max, squat 105kg for 3 rep max, dumbbell shoulder press 32.5kg db's for 3 rep max and deadlift 140kg for 3 rep max at the measly weight of 70kg... longing to do that again...
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