carved camel bone project

Ladies and gentlemen...let me introduce you...the one and only (until i'll make its pair)




It has deffects but i'll be more experienced on the next one...and the next one...etc
A quick hone and strop and tonight i feel like a kid who's got the Christmas early
PS - Thaeri's collection is impressive. Speaking of this collection, here is a project of mine, inspired by old designs




Barbiere - I think you have done the wrong thing here - the scales do not match the razor and vice versa. Old blades that will match the scales are not too difficult to find. At the moment, it looks as though you have put a modern engine into a vintage car.
This time it turn up a bit better. I need to take a break because I started to feel it more like repetition so for the next ones I have some kind of art deco in mind

I HAVE said it before.
However, I will say it again. Well done sir.
Very nice.
If I were to make scales they would be a bit of two by two.
'That'll do!'
After I ruined "the art deco" ones (difficult to cut/carve in straight lines and everything went down the hill) I moved back to the one that was pending. I tried to get a more detailed finish. It has flaws and imperfections and I "managed" to mess with the pins' holes but I'll place some larger washers to hide this (brush under the carpet style). Enjoy





Until I'll clarify the art deco stuff (the design is not as easy as I initially thought) I want to try some simple bone scales with silver embossed caps (fingers crossed)
As these are terrific shavers, I made full use of a simple wooden pencil box, painted it in georgian mahogany colour, did some classic gold guilding and lined it with royal blue velvet



with this being done, I believe my SRA is about to get cured...strange, but I feel sad and believe the time to start thinning out my collection has just arrived
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