DE Razor Replating

Wednesday April 13, 2016
Somerset - UK
Hi All!

Some of you may have seen my intro in the Welcome area of the forum and to all of you that have said hello and made me so welcome - thankyou ! It's been such a warm welcome and a refreshing change to find a forum with so many decent people - run by people that clearly have the right idea for how to do things.

I've also posted pictures explaining my journey so far as I'm madly addicted to restoring DE razors. I had a fair few comments about offering a service to other forum members and as I'm running out of my own razors to work on it sounded like a great plan!

So I've set up a small website showing the things I may be able to do for people. I've spoken to the kind people at TSR and whilst the site and any associated service has no association with TSR at all and any services offered would be direct between myself and anyone that wanted a razor plating, they have been really kind in allowing me to share the website link with you and I would love you to have a look:

There are a few things that I would like to say just so that I'm open about things from the start. It's just a hobby / pleasure and not a full scale company, so my plan would be that I would only ever accept a few razors at a time. I would hate to keep people waiting for long periods of time without their pride and joy, so can switch the service on and off on the website - it would show as unavailable/out of stock if the queue was full. Once I had returned the razors to their owners, I could then switch the service back on in case anyone else wanted a razor plating. That way if I get a razor, I can hopefully get it done and back to you in a week or two tops. I know that some companies have waiting lists of literally months. I really don't want to have piles of razors waiting in a queue as I know how frustrating it can be for things to dissapear into a hole and not know what is happening! It also puts pressure on me because I would feel bad for keeping people waiting. I never want to compromise my standards for volume so would rather keep things small scale. I would also have a simple tracking page on the site to allow you to see exactly what razors I have being worked on and the ETA for them to be finished.

I know it may seem really piecemeal, but I would always rather underpromise and overdeliver!

As far as what razors I can work on, I've done standard 2-3 piece razors and a couple of TTO's so far but other than a quick chrome strip and replate of my Progress adjustable, I've not done any adjustables yet, so to be honest I think I will leave them for a while until I get a little more practice on my own. I would rather not do someone elses adjustable razor "as the first go". I don't do any straight razors - I know there are already some incredible services being offered on the forum so make sure you continue sending those as before!

In terms of the razors themselves, I will treat them as if they were my own pride and joy and assure you that I will deliver the very best work that I physically can on every single razor. If it costs me twice the time and money to get it looking right so that I'm happy then that is exactly what will happen - and you still pay the same amount. It's not so much about the money, it's more pride in what I have done and the pleasure I get doing it.

My favourite razors so far are the Gillette Fat Handle Techs - so if anyone has any that they need restoring just holler as I love them !!

My final comment was to say that I would like to offer fellow forum members a discount code which will knock 5% off the cost of any services ... the code is TSR5OFF and is valid until further notice!

If anyone would like to ask any questions or perhaps have any pictures of razors that you may be thinking of getting restored, I would love to here from you.

Many thanks and happy shaves,

Jay :)

ps .... I have read much about the fantastic work that was previously carried out by the Razor Spa and whilst I joined the forum some time after, I read in the forums that an unexpected turn in events regrettably meant his service is not currently operating. Life can be really harsh (as many of us know) and whilst I would love to help anyone out in the meantime, if and when his service resumes, I would just ask that any customer that had been given great service by the Razor Spa previously, return to him as it seems only the right thing. Whilst I've never chatted to him before, everyone has unexpected bumps in life and it's the right thing to support each other through them. J :)
I love the fact that you repair the surface of the razor as well.

I was reading your FAQ and browsing through the site, but it doesn't specifically say what metals you plate in. Gold and Nickel were mentioned in passing.

I have an old open comb Aristocrat and blade case I'd love to get replated in Rhodium. Is that a service you offer? The blade case is the fitted kind, rather than the squeeze-to-open variety. If you do replate the second type, avoid Rhodium. It will crackle and/or flake off. Ditto for squeeze to open cases.
I love the fact that you repair the surface of the razor as well.

I was reading your FAQ and browsing through the site, but it doesn't specifically say what metals you plate in. Gold and Nickel were mentioned in passing.

I have an old open comb Aristocrat and blade case I'd love to get replated in Rhodium. Is that a service you offer?

If it's humanly possible to improve then I will certainly try and sort out surface damage if I can !

I will add the materials in the description to make it a little clearer. If you go to the restoration and plating section of the shop it shows a dropdown with the materials and Rhodium is in there for you !

I've not got any prices for blade cases but if you could show me a picture of both I'm sure I can arrange something good for you.

Best wishes,

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Jay, here's the pictures. I live in the U.S.A.
Is your replating tank large enough for cases? I'd strip out the insides and send that off as well to be replated in nickel. The razor and blade case would still be in Rhodium though.
Wow - what a lovely looking set ! That would be a great project to work on. The size isn't an issue as I can brush plate any size whatsoever. My only concern would be the fact that you're in the USA and whether sending it to me might incur taxes and import costs on arrival.

I've had razors come through easily enough from the USA, but whether the larger case may attract more attention or make them think that the value is higher I'm not sure.

I will PM you to swap contact details.

Best wishes,

Jay :)
Thats a very nice web site, and very informative. That along with your intro in this post leads me to wish you the absolute best of luck with this venture.
Just as an aside, have you any experience of the SE type razors for refurbing. I'm sure there's a good few of them could do with a wash and brush up;)
Thats a very nice web site, and very informative. That along with your intro in this post leads me to wish you the absolute best of luck with this venture.
Just as an aside, have you any experience of the SE type razors for refurbing. I'm sure there's a good few of them could do with a wash and brush up;)
Hi Martyn,

That's very kind of you to say so - thankyou.

I've not had any experience with SE razors at all, however I wouldn't imagine they would be much different to work on. Perhaps it's something I could do.

Best wishes,

Jay :)
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