Hi Gentlemen

Thursday February 10, 2011
Hi Gentlemen,
i'm an italian boy, Andrea and my nickname is Aldebaran,
I was born in Abruzzo (center of Italy) 29 years ago but now i live in Milan with my girlfriend for study (last two exams about specialistic informatic-automatic engineer) and work.
I' m starting to forge straight razor with my friend after many tests about thermical treatments of iron and steel.I'm a sort of expert in metallurgy and siderurgy.
I use straight razors and stone for sharpening and whilees from 12 years.
Best reguards,sincerely,
Hi and welcome.
Did you say you forged your own straight!
I cant look at one without getting the heeby jeebies.
Then I think...maybe one day.
Hi Tim!
this is one of my creation with HSS iron (it's very difficult to forge).

This is the final ipotetic project.

This is the real project at this time

Material (iron) that i use for this kind of razor


The chemical aspects of this iron is similar at this:

The company that produced the steel for the knife was the Sheffield Mushet, these are the chemical compositions of steels for some years:

Mushet, year 1898:
C = Carbon = 2.40%
Si = Si = 0.711%
P = Phosphorus = 0.055%
S = Sulphur = 0.051%
Cr = Chromium = 0.49%
Mn = Mn = 1.90%
Tungsten W = = 5.62%

Mushet, year 1894:
W = 5.44%
Cr = 0.39%
C = 2.15%
Mn = 1.57%
Si = 1.04%

Mushet, year 1893:
W = 6.05%
Cr = 0.34%
C = 2.21%
Mn = 1.80%
Si = 0.88%
P = 0.037%
S = 0.020%
Bibliography: Ing.Carlo Colombari, metal cutting.
Hi and welcome to TSR Aldebaran! :D I wouldn´t mind a custom razors at some point and your´s truly look wonderfull, I´ve got a sweet spot for framebacks aswell :hungrig :lol:. Looking forward to your posts!
Parwin, thank you for your question.I don't use old files for my razor because i respect the people like you (and so the people of this forum) and i prefer to use new,really new iron for my straight razor that i would like to sell (i don't sell razor now,not yet) .I use ancient files only for razor that i can use for tests, but when i will sell my razor i would like that people have a very good and really new razor.
All of this only for a thing, a respect about people.
I remeber another legend about the use of ancient files.I like read books, also in original language and i remember the story of moby dick:
egarding the literature, an example regarding the subject matter of this thread can be found in the passage from the book Moby Dick (published in 1851).
It is stated that the harpoon has been forged with the use of all free-hand razor belonging to the men of the crew and brought with horseshoes on a ship for Captain Ahab scaramanzia.L 'author of the novel, Melville, wanted so 'to emphasize that the captain of the whale catch was more important' than anything else in the world.
I also think that Ahab intends to use the horseshoe shape for the harpoon to have more luck in capturing the whale.
In a sort of alchemy of old people, in forging a blade from an old file, it seems that they also transfer the 'soul' of the object lived in a new, as in a sort of reincarnation.
There were many knifemakers in Sheffield that were also files-smiths:
Samuel and George Bates, Spring-street
Thomas Blake, Green-lane
John Brammall, Westbar-green
Benjamin Cadman, Lambert Croft
James Cam, Norfolk-street
John Corker, Furnace-hill
James Creswick, Ponds
John Crooks, Colston Croft
William Cutler & Sons, Fargate
Daniel Doncaster, Copper-street
Widow Ellis and Sons
Jonathan France, Blind Lane
Samuel Genn, Smithfield
George Greaves, Westbar-green
Francis Hawke & Son, Allen Lane
Joseph Hawksley, Castle-fold
Joshua Hawksley, Westbar
Nicholas Jackson, Wicker
John Jessop, Smithfield
John Kenyon, Holles Croft
Joseph Law, Gibralter
William Lindley, Fargate
Joseph Peace, Scotland-street
George Pearce, Pea Croft
Henry Smith, Scotland-street
Matthias Spencer, Scotland-street
Matthias Spencer, Pea Croft
Enoch and James Trickett, Coalpit-lane
Nicholas Turner, Lambert Croft
Samuel White, Bailey Field
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