Ingrown hairs and shaving irritation products

Monday September 22, 2014
What are some good ingrown hairs and shaving irritation products? I know about Tend Skin, PFB Vanish, Paula's Choice BHA exfoliants, Paula's Choice PC4MEN Soothe + Smooth.
I used to have an Edwin Jagger 89 DE. Now I have a Wilkinson Sword Classic. I have a 22 mm knot badger hair brush from Whipped Dog. I wet shave from fall 2014. I still have irritation especially on my neck if I shave every day with 3 passes. My technique isn't optimal for a BBS yet. Maybe I have sensitive skin also.
I used to have an Edwin Jagger 89 DE. Now I have a Wilkinson Sword Classic. I have a 22 mm knot badger hair brush from Whipped Dog. I wet shave from fall 2014. I still have irritation especially on my neck if I shave every day with 3 passes. My technique isn't optimal for a BBS yet. Maybe I have sensitive skin also.

Is one of these passes ATG? Perhaps cut that out on the neck if so, and/or shave every other day instead of daily.
Try XTG both ways on your neck instead of ATG. You don't get quite such a close finish on your neck but I virtually never get ingrown hairs or irritation any more
Avoiding going atg is good advice for prevention. As for the cure, try making a paste with crushed aspirin and water then apply to the affected area.
Clubman Mend is a really good salicylic acid gel.

I'm prone to ingrowers, just because I get really hot really quickly and my skin kinda goes mushy after shaving, especially with any kind of moisturising agent in whatever products I'm using. Keep it really simple - low ingredient count soap, rinse well after shaving and enjoy a hot and then cold water splash. Simple witch hazel, if necessary, otherwise don't bother with aftershave which can irritate.

Switching to single pass and shaving every day worked out well for me. Take your time, really concentrate and make that single pass perfect. Be disciplined not to polish.
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