Naked Coffee Porn

Friday January 27, 2012
Essex, UK
This coffee thing is getting quite addictive.

I have finally got the grinder dialled in to produce a fine enough grind for a good espresso, tested the pressure on the Gaggia which is spot on at 9 bar.

I decided to treat myself to a naked portafilter which arrived yesterday.

Heres a picture of my current set up in the kitchen. Basically just an Iberital MC2 grinder and the Gaggia Classic.


Today I decided to try and get some photos of a shot pouring through the naked portafilter. There are quite a few photos in the series, hopefully those in the know will be able to tell me if it looks about right. The espresso certainly tasted good.
The double shot took 27 seconds.













Any comments as to whether or not this looks correct would be appreciated.

Todays Espresso.

Coffee: Monmouth Espresso House Blend
Double Shot poured through Naked Portafilter

First time I have had any Monmouth coffee, and I have to say it is wonderful, really fruity. I may have to go and make another one. :)

Looks fine to me, ecxellent actually. Took me some time to get good shots like that and the best extraction time is due to what beans you've.
Good to know it's looking right, it's hard to judge for yourself but I thought I was about there.

I'm currently using the Classic Italian blend from HappyDonkey, they are some sample bags I got when I bought the grinder. I will be getting some of YorkNeils blend shortly and am looking forward to trying that, then I will be in London soon so will pop into one of the coffee places there to get some nice freshly roasted beans.

I can see me getting CBAD, Coffee Bean Acquisition Disorder. I'm glad they don't keep well, otherwise I would buy loads and need a new kitchen to store them all in.
Th-that's me d-d-done for then. No p-p-posh coffee at Arkwright's, just plain old t-tea. Eat yer chips, G-G-Granville!

Best I can offer is a Moka pot.....:blush:
Looking good. if you look at the last 3 pics it's just starting to 'white out', I normally stop it just before that. The shot will be much richer and fuller.

Coffee's on the way BTW:icon_wink:
Thanks, I was wondering at what point I should stop the shot, that helps. The following shot I made was a disaster, I just sprayed coffee all around the kitchen :s

Looking forward to the coffee and having some proper espresso cups. :D
I haven't tried the Illy blend. I've mainly been using Happy Donkey blends until now. Today I had a coffee revelation, I received some beans from YorkNeil a couple of days ago and tried them out today. Apart from nearly choking the coffee machine, they produced the best espresso I have ever tasted. Really smooth and a bit fruity maybe. The wife agreed as well, so they must be good.
I'll grind a bit coarser next time.
I picked up some Monmouth Espresso house blend yesterday so will be trying that shortly.
Glad they arrived. It's a beautiful blend alright - always makes me think of a Terry's Dark Chocolate Orange. Illy are good but incredibly expensive for what they are imo- fantastic brand image though.
I have they say the are beautiful pictures of fantastic looking coffee. As for looking right I wouldn't have filled the cup up quite so full, but I prefer a strong coffee generally. Monmouth is quality gear. I used to spend quite a few mornings down there enjoying their coffee and whiling away an hour or two.
By the way, if the coffee sprayed out of the brew head then either a seal is failing or, more likely, the head isn't in quite right, so the seal isn't secure. I've had my machine for over ten years and I still misalign the brewhead occasionally and enjoy a coffee shower.


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