Nanny's Silly Soap - Neroli

Thursday January 19, 2017
Dear All,

For my birthday, I was lucky enough to receive a pot of Nanny's traditional neroli soap from the luxury range. It's my absolute favourite as the scent is amazing and it performs at least as well as anything else I have.

My only slight disappointment is that I've nearly gone through the pot in two months in a 5 soap/ cream rotation (I've barely scratched the surface of any other soap or cream I have). This may be due to me being heavy handed with the loading and also, because I was blooming a hard soap I have, I unthinkingly applied this process to the Nanny's.

So to the question: is anyone able to compare Nanny's luxury range to the original recipe soap in terms of fragrance and potential shaving mileage?

Thanks in advance,
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