New to coffee maker looking for help!

Tuesday February 25, 2014
I have at last got round to buying a filter coffee machine. A DeLonghi ICM15210.
Which so far has given me good cups. I have been sort of forced - so far - to buy Taylor's from Asda. They had little choice and no one else around me sells coffee ground. So, I asking the experts here where I can get good coffee, but not too expensive as my budget doesn't stretch to bags that are £9 or £10 a pop.

This may seem an odd question, but I'll ask. Is it safe to put the empty coffee carafe back on the hotplate - while it's still hot - on the maker?
I'm sure I read somewhere it said not to wipe the hot plate while it's cool to get off burnt coffee as it inhibits the non stick surface.
Preground is already stale so ask Santa for a grinder then you can buy some very good freshly roasted coffee beans mail order for £15/kg or less.
Hi Dave, in answer to your question about putting back the empty carafe back on the hotplate - No, if the carafe is empty or nearly empty the coffee will dry up quickly and leave a horrible mess/stain on the bottom of the carafe.
Also I've found leaving the last of the coffee too long on the hotplate makes it quickly go stale and stewed. Usually the hotplate automatically turns off after a set period (like an hour) to prevent the carafe from drying too much and for safety.

Filter coffee seems to be out of fashion these days but I really enjoy it when I can get a cup. Everyone's gone espresso-made these days and filter coffee is taking a second place and being replaced by americanos.

Make sure you try both bleached and non-beached coffee filter paper to see which you prefer.
I did notice rather a lot of espresso machines for sale. They were all out of my budget range. I am currently using unbleached as they were the ones SWMBO picked up for me. I'm going to try and get some beans from Rave, and a mid-price grinder and try and do my own grounds. I haven't left the pot for more than about 15 minutes so far before I have my second cup, well big mug in reality.
thanks for all the tips guys.
Fair enough, I'm not up to speed with what's hot on CFUK atm but just the thought of hand grinding beans drives me insane.
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