Newbie S.O.T.D. 31st March 2017 (follow up to First post here and Time to hone my technique)

Sunday March 26, 2017
Well I think I have had my best shave so far since starting down this path. I hope it isn't just a one off.

I decided on the Progress set on 2.5 with an Astra SP Blade. Oddly I feel like I have achieved a closer shave with it set at 2.5 than I did at 3. I realise that shouldn't make sense.

I used the VDH mens luxury brush which was picked up for me last time I was in the States and I think it was about $20. For such a cheap brush I was able to get a great lather with TOBS coconut cream. I do think I used slightly more product than I have in the past but not by much.

I had a couple of weepers in the usual places I get them being lower left neck and adam's apple.

My grip was lighter than I feel I have held it in the past and I tried to just let it glide as I guide.

I only did two passes with a couple of touch ups. I am genuinely amazed in the results.

Was going to attach a pic of first lather and aftershave pic but not sure how to add photos to the post.

Attached are pics of my first lather and post shave pic. I have to admit it feels a lot smoother than it looks but you will have to take my word for that I guess.

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Well I think I have had my best shave so far since starting down this path. I hope it isn't just a one off.

I decided on the Progress set on 2.5 with an Astra SP Blade. Oddly I feel like I have achieved a closer shave with it set at 2.5 than I did at 3. I realise that shouldn't make sense.

I used the VDH mens luxury brush which was picked up for me last time I was in the States and I think it was about $20. For such a cheap brush I was able to get a great lather with TOBS coconut cream. I do think I used slightly more product than I have in the past but not by much.

I had a couple of weepers in the usual places I get them being lower left neck and adam's apple.

My grip was lighter than I feel I have held it in the past and I tried to just let it glide as I guide.

I only did two passes with a couple of touch ups. I am genuinely amazed in the results.

Was going to attach a pic of first lather and aftershave pic but not sure how to add photos to the post.

Attached are pics of my first lather and post shave pic. I have to admit it feels a lot smoother than it looks but you will have to take my word for that I guess.

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Congratulations on your first SOTD post :)
Ok Shave 2 of my little experiment. I have three days growth as I had a busy weekend with the family.

Set up exactly the same as the first with the only difference being this was the second shave of the Astra SP blade. Again another good shave. Not sure if its quite as good as that first one but its close.

Today I eased off on the pressure yet again and just let the blade do the work. I am trying to see just how delicate I can be and I think that this is the key (well at least for me anyway).

Just a couple of weepers again in the same trouble spots lower neck and Adam's Apple. I already feel like my standard of shaving is increasing and that I should have tried to do this from the start. Just thinking about it a little more helps I think and as I am still learning this is very helpful. My shaves are not long affairs either. I think an average shave for me is less than 15 minutes maybe even less. I should time them I guess.

How long is the average shave out of curiosity?
Ok Shave 2 of my little experiment. I have three days growth as I had a busy weekend with the family.

Set up exactly the same as the first with the only difference being this was the second shave of the Astra SP blade. Again another good shave. Not sure if its quite as good as that first one but its close.

Today I eased off on the pressure yet again and just let the blade do the work. I am trying to see just how delicate I can be and I think that this is the key (well at least for me anyway).

Just a couple of weepers again in the same trouble spots lower neck and Adam's Apple. I already feel like my standard of shaving is increasing and that I should have tried to do this from the start. Just thinking about it a little more helps I think and as I am still learning this is very helpful. My shaves are not long affairs either. I think an average shave for me is less than 15 minutes maybe even less. I should time them I guess.

How long is the average shave out of curiosity?
I think of it as a relaxing ritual so I take my time, maybe 25-30 minutes. It's my bit of me time so I'm not going to rush the pre shave routine, I won't rush my lathering and I certainly wouldn't rush my shave and then there is the post shave pampering, so it can take a while. If you do not have enough time in the morning why not try an evening shave just before bed? Or get up a little earlier and give yourself time to give your face the care and attention it deserves :)
Shave #3

Well not quite the success of the first two in the experiment. Razor the same and set on the same setting 2.5 . 3rd shave with the Astra SP blade. I am wondering if this is what its down too. I know others get more shaves out of a blade but I am beginning to wonder if two is my limit. I did however change the cream. I used the body shop macca shaving cream. TO me this felt every bit as protecting as the TOBS. I guess we will find out next shave as I will try this cream again with the fresh blade.

I had 2 days growth to remove so i don't think that should have made any difference as I normally shave every couple of days. I may consider shaving daily to see if there is any difference.

I had more nicks today than I have had in a while. To be fair one of them was a monstrous spot on my chin which appeared over night. Over all felt like I experienced a lot more razor burn too.

I am sat here typing this and feeling over the shave and its very smooth in all directions so no arguments with the closeness

Either tomorrow or Friday I will continue the experiment but with a fresh blade. As blades are so cheap I may even consider a two shave maximum on all blades. That is not something I would try and do with a cartridge as I would be broke by Christmas lol
Shave #4

Ouch. Same set up and brand new Astra SP blade. Again used the maca root shave cream and felt the lather was there. Very thick and I thought slick. I seem to feel that its less slick post shave though. I again nicked myself in a few places and today on the edge of my mouth both sides although really bad on my right side. on closer inspection post shave that was due to a little cluster of spots I had not noticed so hopefully it was not a bad as I first thought.

Now nearly an hour after my shave everything feels very smooth. Maybe I am being too adventurous and trying to get too close. Next shave I will return to the TOBS cream and try and consciously not try to shave overly close and just do a couple of passes and a little clean up without being too critical.

Today almost felt like a backwards step but I will be sticking in there. I am here for the long haul.
Shave #4

Ouch. Same set up and brand new Astra SP blade. Again used the maca root shave cream and felt the lather was there. Very thick and I thought slick. I seem to feel that its less slick post shave though. I again nicked myself in a few places and today on the edge of my mouth both sides although really bad on my right side. on closer inspection post shave that was due to a little cluster of spots I had not noticed so hopefully it was not a bad as I first thought.

Now nearly an hour after my shave everything feels very smooth. Maybe I am being too adventurous and trying to get too close. Next shave I will return to the TOBS cream and try and consciously not try to shave overly close and just do a couple of passes and a little clean up without being too critical.

Today almost felt like a backwards step but I will be sticking in there. I am here for the long haul.
Keep at it and you will be fine, Rome wasn't built in a day and you cannot be expected to learn everything all at once.
Relax and enjoy -:)
Cheers BM

Like I said I am here for the long haul. I am sure I will have many more testing days before I am a natural shaver.
My 2 bob's worth of advice...i'm neally 1 year into DE shaving, still learning after every shave," i've trained my mind to shave the lather from my face, rather than the stubble"in between each pass....
This has helped my with wonderful results, it really helps with irritation, cuts and nicks..Good preparation, map your face, learn your technique, the golden rule! "NO PRESSURE" at all to the razor, let the weight of the razor do the work, i find non-aggressive blades work excellently in aggressive razors,and vice versa..and last but not least, enjoy you new shaving experience, take your time..and you'll be rewarded with some sublime shaves. i have been,and i use to hate shaving with a "full on" passion. Regards.Barry ;)
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Like I said I am here for the long haul. I am sure I will have many more testing days before I am a natural shaver.

It took me a month to get 80% of the way towards a really good shave after starting De shaving. I've now been going for a year. Somewhere along the way I got a really decent ability happening. That means very rare nicks, the ability to knock it off in 10-15 mins if I need to (although I don't like to rush it, and am happy to take 20mins if I can). It's comes over time . You clearly have a curious attitude towards what might work or not.

One tip I would have at your stage is to go back and think "What soap/cream and blade combo worked for me?" Identify that, and then stick with that for a week or two weeks at least. It allows you to consolidate technique without variables.
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