Palmolive Shave Stick holder

Tuesday November 20, 2012
Out of off of Chorley
Well, it's a rainy bank holiday so I got to work on fixing my Palmolive shave stick soap. Problem is with it that it's messy to hold by the tiddly little plastic base and I'm sick of seeing its tatty cardboard box in the bathroom man-binet.
Project dispenser began.

This type of thing's been done before but I wanted to try to use a handy-sized holder to contain a single stick's worth of soap. I found this deodorant in the supermarket and it seemed about the right size.

Nivea solid stick deodorant. Took a few weeks to use up using liberally. Quite a good product actually.

Easy to unscrew and take apart to clean out...

Took my old Palmolive stick that'd been used only a few times...

Grated it with a cheese-grater to look like soap shavings. I'd put the stick in the freezer for a while beforehand to prevent it going squidgy and make grating easier...

Squished some of the shavings into the moving base part to act as the lower plug...

Then screwed the base-plug into the dispenser tube and screwed it down to the bottom of the tube...

Dropped the shavings down the tube a little at a time then pounded the soap into form using a wooden chop stick. Don't need to do this too hard or else the stick will be too tight to move up the tube...

Slightly less than a full stick fills the tube to the top. Doesn't look very smooth here but it should smooth out with use...

The deodorant's label stays on after soaking in hot water but is actually really easy to pull off. This is some sort of label technology I've not seen before!
Below picture shows the soap emerging from the end of the relabelled tube after twisting the knob at the end.

Back to the man-binet. It'll have to wait until MWF week is over before it gets its testing.
The lengths we go to, and as a result, the things we pull off never cease to amaze me.

Surely there's nothing else as obscure as as that in your man-binet that requires you to actually label it? :D
SuperChrome said:
Surely there's nothing else as obscure as as that in your man-binet that requires you to actually label it? :D

Actually there are loads of obscure things in my man-binet with labels on. It's a small cabinet over the sink so I'm a bit wary of having heavy and/or glass bottles in it in case they fall into the sink and crack it (happened to my wife in another sink).
So anything heavy (like Superdrug AS and Nivea ASB, which are like bricks) gets decanted into small plastic bottles and labelled.
This means I can get a greater variety of things in the man-binet, which also leads to a greater likelihood of knocking one down reaching behind others, so a bit self-defeating.

Anyhow creating a soap holder and labelling it prevented me from having to spend the time cleaning the bathroom on a rainy bank holiday, so wasn't such a bad idea.
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