RazoRock Game Changer 0.68-P v Rex Ambassador?

Monday October 15, 2018
I have been shaving with the Rex for about 9 months now and have found my preferred setting is at 2. This works well with both Gillette Nacet and Platinum blades. However, my desire for another razor has returned so I was thinking about getting a Game Changer, probably the 0.68P variant. Has anyone had experience of both of these razors and can give guidance as to how they compare? Also what setting on the Rex did you use?
I have been shaving with the Rex for about 9 months now and have found my preferred setting is at 2. This works well with both Gillette Nacet and Platinum blades. However, my desire for another razor has returned so I was thinking about getting a Game Changer, probably the 0.68P variant. Has anyone had experience of both of these razors and can give guidance as to how they compare? Also what setting on the Rex did you use?

I've owned the Rex (now sold*), used the GC 0.68 on loan and I bought the 0.84 version.

I've used a few Ambassadors and tried each variant (M, N and O). I manly used it on 2.5 and 2 on touch-ups (if required).
The Rex has a lot more blade feel, more aggressive and is more efficient than the GC. In all fairness the Rex is the most efficient razor I've tried and I've tried a lot.

I wouldn't bother with the 0.68 as it's very mild with minimal blade feel. Nice to shave with as you don't have to think about the shave but you need numerous passes to get a close finish.
There isn't a big difference between the 0.68 and 0.84 but just enough to make a difference.
I would still like a little some more efficiently from the 0.84 and I'm hoping the OC JAWS baseplate hits the spot.

I'd still recommend the 0.84 to anyone. I found the Gillette Silver Blue blade works best for me.

*I only sold my Rex as I needed the cash at the time.

Good luck.

Thanks for the feedback, especially around the OC base plate for the .84. My only experience to date with OC is with a Parker 68s. I personally found it to be more efficient than the Rex, but the extra weight is very noticeable. The extra efficiency also pushed it to be border line for a daily shaver.
YMMV with any razor. I have the Game Changer 0.68 & it works very well for my daily shave. It does take an extra pass but, its so smooth who cares. You don't have to worry about slicing your neck into hamburger as with the .084. Watch Kevy shaves on the Tube as he uses both on his shave. He also lies slightly on the .084 as to how good it is.
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