Rockwell 6S - My review and impressions

Monday November 7, 2016
Zagreb, Croatia

Rockwell 6S is the best safety razor!
The best I ever tried, probably the best of the vast majority of which I did not try!
The only I can imagine to be better are the elite with spicy prices like ATT, Wolfman, BBS-1... But if we consider the price, Rockwell is definitely the best! The quasi adjustability it comes with and the fact that it's an SS is just a bonus. If it came with just a single baseplate, made from zamak, it would still be one of the best razors!


Rockwell 6S is a razor made of 316L polished stainless steel and is an adjustable. To me this is only partially true because, although the razor can be adjusted, personally I think that's not it's primary purpose, at least not in the classic sense. There are 3 baseplates numbered on each side 1-6, which can be placed on both sides to regulate razor's aggressiveness.

The finish of the razor is very interesting. It a matte finish that is slightly rough. It's hard to explain, but feels like a very fine sandpaper. The handle is solid and rough, the grip is excellent. I have haven't noticed any irregularities and the blade position is tight.
This is a very heavy razor (about 120g), the handle is heavy and the head is heavy too. It's easy to get used to, but is a shock at first.


For this review I shaved 5 times with Rockwell, each time 3 passes, all with the same PSSI blade.
  • 1st shave on 3 (WTG, XTG, ATG) - Rockwell on 3 is very pleasant, mild, but effective. Very loud, but not as the Standard. I would compare it with the iKon X3 at this point. The result is a DFS after only 2 passes. ATG done without problems or irritation.
  • 2nd shave on 1 (WTG, XTG, ATG) - Shave on the day after; ATG on 1 is incredibly mild and pleasant. I literally played with the razor by drawing it across the face in all directions. This is aggressive as Gillette Slim on 1, only more comfortable and unlike Gillette to 1, Rockwell actually shaves. I got mild irritation, I was in a hurry and this was the third consecutive day to do 3 passes in the span of 24 hours, but it does not matter because I needed a some beard growth for 5 and 6.
  • 3rd shave on 6 (WTG, XTG; ATG on 5) - 3 days growth; Rockwell at 6 immediately makes it clear that you should be cautious. Personally, I haven't got experience with very aggressive razors, but some have compared 6 with R41. However, WTG pass goes without any problems and I'm much more relaxed with XTG. Despite the aggression, the razor is still very pleasant. After the XTG the cheeks are BBS. I proceed to go ATG on 5 without any problems. I could've went with 6, but then I'd have to wait three days again to test the 5.
  • 4th shave on 4 (WTG, XTG; ATG on 2) - Now this is the real stuff, 4 is the best balance between aggressiveness and comfort. I'd compare it to a heavy Standard. This is a great shave and I think that this will be my default setting. It should be noted that this was already the fourth shave with the same blade. Doing ATG on 2 left impressed me too. Very similar to 1, but more efficient. One reviewer compared Rockwell on 2 to Feather asd2 and if this is true, I understand why there are so many Feather lovers.
  • 5th shave on 4 (WTG, XTG, ATG) - Morning shave, all three passes on 4 because I forgot to change the baseplate. I still insist on BBS and get I it! However, I feel a mild tension after shaving, I would not exactly call it irritation, but it was something. I attribute this to already warn out blade which gave it's fifth shave like a champ.
Rockwell is a comfortable razor, and depending on the setting can be very mild or very aggressive. I think the range and the settings between extreme values are spot on. Shaving with any setting is incredibly pleasant and very forgiving.
I never had so much confidence in a razor that I could play with the angle and the direction of the passes. The Rockwell is incredibly tolerant and leaves a great post-shave feeling.

Regarding whether this is an adjustable razor or not, in my opinion this is a hybrid. I belive the best way one should use it is to only turn over the current baseplate during the shave. The effort takes only a few seconds because it is not necessary to remove the blade from the cap. It takes the same time effort as adjusting a Gillette (with the doors open).


In my opinion, the only real drawback would be that the blade is sticking out by a millimeter on the sides. This is the case with some other razors as well and it's not that I mind, but doesn't fit with me visually, especially compared to the Standard.
The look of the razor is ok, massive, sturdy, but I can imagine some people not liking it.

The biggest problem with Rockwell is something else... A total reduction of current and future razor collection! Causing the sale of other razors, acquisition of new purely as a hobby and aesthetics to collect dust and occasionally awaken nostalgia.
This is a serious problem and I can already feel the first symptoms...


Since the conclusion was at the beginning, here would be the introduction. The main question is whether this razor is worth the money and whether this whole thing is just a gimmick? The same questions I asked myself: why this razor is so popular and has recieved the same praise from reviewers, experienced and novice.
It has still been a difficult decision, and what may not be for some, 100€ in Croatia is a lot of money. But for me it was more than worth it.

Realistically, this could be the last razor one buys, and would be the ideal first first razor as it would allow significant savings in the sense of a RAD killer.

Please note that this is my personal opinion based on a short usage of the razor, your mileage may vary, etc.
But for real, if you can, get a Rockwell 6S. The chances you'll regret it are minimal.
Beware, the Rockwell uses imperial thread, whereas "everyone else" (from the moden era), uses metric.

I've mixed with no issues, aside from Merkur who, apparently, uses a third type of thread. Those handles (the Merkur's) aren't interchangeable with any other razor I have as well, so I'm not blaming Rockwell's imperial choice for that.
Nice review. Very interesting observations. For comparison purposes what other DE razors do you prefer, if I may ask please? Thank you
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I'm going to get one after the first of the year. This razor seems to be getting better reviews, and owner comments, than most others, and the price is in the affordability range. Looking forward to getting one; I just hope it doesn't supplant all my other favourites.
Thank you Gents for your kind words.
Nice review. Very interesting observations. For comparison purposes what other DE razors do you prefer, if I may ask please? Thank you
My favourite razor so far would be the Standard. It still kinda is but the Rockwell is a superior razor. I really like the aesthetics and lightness of the Standard, it is a unique razor. I belive they both complement each other.
Also I found the iKon X3 slant to be both comfortable and effective, especially in the neck area where I had some problems with.
I'm going to get one after the first of the year. This razor seems to be getting better reviews, and owner comments, than most others, and the price is in the affordability range. Looking forward to getting one; I just hope it doesn't supplant all my other favourites.
Go for it, you're making the right decision mate ;)
@morr If it came with just a single baseplate, made from zamak, it would still be one of the best razors!

So your telling me that the design of the head, the gap and shaving angles, actually means that it being stainless steel has no impact on the shave other then the weight of the razor? That's the first ive seen that said.
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