Simpson chubby 2 super or manchurian brush wanted

Wednesday October 30, 2013
Hi All, Just sold my feather as d1 and have some funds to burn. I currently have the Duke 2 in super and I love the brush so much I want to add another simpson to keep it company.

I saw the manchurian that was sold just the other day? I just missed it:icon_sad:,but wow what a brush I thought. So it has had my brain doing overtime that I have decided that I have to have one.

You guys know what it is like? I am not the only one out there who just can't help themselves? I am sure that you will agree that the manchurian brush is just beautiful.
As I said I have the duke 2 in super badger which is a pretty nice brush but it would be nice to have a choice and they would look so good together.

I knew one day I would own a chubby when i got the duke 2 as it was a toss up between chubby in best or the limited edition duke in suoer, I thought and still think the duke was the better choice, but now I would like to add a second brush.

Can anyone help?

Thanks in advance
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