TOBS Luxury Lime Soap

Wednesday June 20, 2012
The Garden of England
I picked up a puck from Connaught on my last order.

It's got a lovely lime scent and creates a creamy slick lather without much effort at all. (hard water area)

It's been a while since i last used TOBS Sandalwood or Jermyn St soaps, but i don't remember them being this good.

Has anyone else that's used other TOBS soaps tried this? what do you think?

Ingredients List if you want to see them.
I'd love to see a lather pic from this soap ;)

I quite like the Jermyn St soap. This one is very much on my radar.
I haven't lathered in a mug/bowl for almost two years, so need to work on the ratio, but this is my quick lather.

Thinner than i use when i face lather, not quite there, but you get the idea.



There's a SOC boar in there somewhere.
rowlers said:
Interesting that..
I could not get a lather what so ever from my TOBS lime.
Had to resort to Ingrams cream to finish.

How long are you loading the brush for out of interest?

I load this one the same as all other triple milled soaps, probably somewhere between 30 seconds to a minute with a wet brush (soaked, then just shaked a couple of times).

Before my first use of any triple milled soap (or if i haven't used the soap for a while) i fill the container it's in with water to cover the puck while i soak my brush, then empty it and load the brush.

It's currently my favourite soap, every time i've used it i've had an excellent lather.
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