3D Games on Android?

I've never had a smartphone before, and I have an HTC Desire HD running Android 2.2. I'm very very happy with it as a web browser, camera, camcorder, storage device, music player, book reader and even phone, but want to unlock its gaming potential. I like car racing games and first person shooters, and there seems to be no shortage of these on the iPhone. But on my Android phone the few 3D games I have been able to find (Need for Speed, Asphalt HD, Dark Area) run well, but I've nearly completed the first one and the execution of the other two are a bit below par really. I know the phone is capable of more but there doesn't seem to be anything else out there that can compete on that level. In fact, there are very few 3D games at all - paid for or not.

Why would this be? Are Android phones generally lower spec than other smartphones (don't know anything about Windows Mobile) - if so it might explain the lack of whizz bangs. I know Android has some kind of Unix underpinning (the file structure looks like Linux to me and probably uses parts of the Linux kernel?) but it would be nice if there were a bit more of these kind of games on offer in Android than there are in Linux!

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

N.B. - I haven't yet looked at installing third party apps - looks like a big area and not sure how this would work (don't think I would want to root my phone).

Thanks in advance.
3D games for your android phone?..its up to the developers to make something for android/iphone OS phones..they either make a demo or you buy the full version..the other part if do these smartphones have the proper chip sets and hardware to hand 3D rendering

Mine does! Apparently has a separate gpu just for 3d (open gl). Just seems rare to find any good games on Android that take advantage. Maybe it is all still in its infancy, and it isn't really for gaming anyway. Just a nice distraction sometimes when sitting as I am now on a train
Here in the states dual core (1 single cpu that splits into 2) is starting to showup in cellphones..in summertime tablets maybe and dual core phones for sure will be here finally..with front cameras.. :lol:

i play a snowboarding one on my HTC desire.. its 3D, uses the motion sensor in the phone for controls, and looks great. Probably on par with the original playstation in terms of graphical complexity.
That's good, but have you seen what you can get on the iPhone? Need for speed I would say looks like playstation 2 graphics but it is the only game I can find that reallyshows off the capabilities...
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