A warning about sending loose blades in envelope through the post...

Never had any issues in both sending or receiving this way before, but sent some loose Super Thins out to Tadpole here in an envelope, cellotaped down, and Tadpole told me the envelope was delivered torn open down the side and the blades removed!
I doubt it was an accident. What makes it okay to tear open an envelope rather than a cardboard parcel? Just because its easier to steal from? I could have secured them better I guess but didn't think I would need to.
In the absence of a better explanation the phrase "theiving b*st*rd" springs to mind.

So guys, I would avoid sending them out loose in an envelope if I were you.
I will, of course, send him some more out - this time disguised in a bubblewrap envelope.
NotTheStig said:
Never had any issues in both sending or receiving this way before, but sent some loose Super Thins out to Tadpole here in an envelope, cellotaped down, and Tadpole told me the envelope was delivered torn open down the side and the blades removed!
I doubt it was an accident. What makes it okay to tear open an envelope rather than a cardboard parcel? Just because its easier to steal from? I could have secured them better I guess but didn't think I would need to.
In the absence of a better explanation the phrase "theiving b*st*rd" springs to mind.

So guys, I would avoid sending them out loose in an envelope if I were you.

i think he should call royal mail/ who ever deliverd it

most likely it was the postman/woman who delivered them
Razor blades in the post was always cheape way of injuring someone than a letter-bomb.

I'm sure this was only done as a safety measure.

Am planning to stop by the sorting office in the morning. Will also leave a note for postie on Monday morning in case it did just split and s/he finds them in the bottom of their bag.

If I see a very clean shaven postman round my way an eyebrow may well be raised.
tadpole said:

Am planning to stop by the sorting office in the morning. Will also leave a note for postie on Monday morning in case it did just split and s/he finds them in the bottom of their bag.

If I see a very clean shaven postman round my way an eyebrow may well be raised.

i would as well, seing as its a woman here

had so much stuff through the post in the last year we have started saying hello/goodbye to each other
Why on earth would you just stick the blades in an envelope without even sticking them to a thin piece of card? Firstly there's the danger to the unsuspecting postie who may just grab the envelope in the wrong way and slash open a finger or two, secondly, the mail sorting is mostly done by machine - have you any idea how fast these machines work? It's hardly surprising the odd envelope gets torn open in the process when someone doesn't properly package stuff - even something as light as a razor blade!
Just stick the blasted things between two bits of cardboard and pay the extra tuppence ha'penny postage (if it even bumps the cost up):icon_razz::icon_razz:
I'm Scottish and even I'm not tight-fisted enough to not do that!
Others have sent blades to me like this. I saw no reason why not to. I've never cut myself picking up blades in their wrappers - that's what they're designed for - and then there's the envelope for even more protection.
I'm not up on the specifics of automatic mail sorting machines but this thread was just a little warning and a cathartic rant.

And being Scottish you'd be too tight fisted to send any out for free in the first place! :)
NotTheStig said:
Others have sent blades to me like this. I saw no reason why not to. I've never cut myself picking up blades in their wrappers - that's what they're designed for - and then there's the envelope for even more protection.
I'm not up on the specifics of automatic mail sorting machines but this thread was just a little warning and a cathartic rant.

And being Scottish you'd be too tight fisted to send any out for free in the first place! :)

I'm not sure what the policy is in the UK but some mail order sites limit sending razor blades in the US. I live in New York and it's hit or miss as to companies sending blades to this state. Have never had a problem with eBay or overseas sites but some US based 'drug store' site have a list of US States that they will not send them to.

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