before I get called names and start a row on AV forums

Saturday February 15, 2014
E17 the biggest band in Mongolia
I thought I'd ask the question here first.

I want to link my media centre PC into my sound bar.

The PC has spdiff out and the sound bar has optical in.

I understand that these are the same thing but my optical
cable fits the soundbar in but not the PC out.

The PC out looks all the world like a 7.5 mm RCA port
but with a red light inside it.

Asking this question on AV forums will initiate 3 pages of
dense chin stroking arguments about wave forms and impedance
that wont actually get me any closer to the answer.
If one end is a RCA digital inpu/output and the other end is a TOSSLINK optical socket then you require something like this

You need a converter to go from electrical signal to optical signal & vise versa.
Captain Bb said:
Does this help? From your description, I'm thinking the cable in figure 12 is what you need.

That is indeed the chap :) its a 3.5 port, i'd gotten confused.

I was starting to think I'd gone a bit loopy.

jaycey said:
If one end is a RCA digital inpu/output and the other end is a TOSSLINK optical socket then you require something like this

You need a converter to go from electrical signal to optical signal & vise versa.

Thanks Jaycey but the Captain hit the nail on the head.

Both input and output are optical but have a different termination

Toslink/mini toslink

I have a cable on the way now.
Just a heads up you can get a little coverter if you already have a tosslink - tosslink cable.
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