Blade Longevity

One of my mainstay blades is Shark SS and i get up to 4 with those (can be less but don't go more than 4) and at roughly 5p a blade it's not much of a loss if i get 2 out of it.
balidey said:
I tend to put a new blade in every Sunday. I turn the blade mid-week and when I do I palm strop a couple of times each side. I shave 6 or sometimes 7 days a week (often let it grow one day of the weekend). I do notice it starts to tug at the last shave of the week, so thats just about my limit.

Turning and stropping does nothing at all - these are myths created by internet forums (not necessarily this one). You're shaving with the same edge regardless which way up it is. The stropping myth is created from the stories about grandpa's blades way back when, which were much thicker, poorer quality, and were said to respond to some quick and dirty sharpening tricks. More like an SE blade.

If you dropped both practices your blades would perform the same.
Surely, if you put a new blade in a razor then have a three pass shave...then you have used that blade three times! Or to break it down even further..if two of your passes is with one edge of the blade and one with the other, then you have used one edge of the blade twice and the other edge once. Just bung the blade in and chuck it whever the shave becomes painful and/or uncomfortable.
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