e Shave Mandarin, Aramis shaving soaps

I've heard good things about eShave and mixed reviews about Aramis. I love the smell of the latter, and the mandarin sounds great too (from the description at least), but I would also like to hear from people that have used either one or the other.
I haven't tried the eShave but I have an Aramis here which I use quite often.

It smells exactly like you would expect it to, it's Aramis! Loud and "in your face". I love the scent so that's fine.
When it comes to the lather it produces, in my experience (very soft water here) is that it initially lathers extremely well but a few seconds later it collapses and dries out no matter how much or how little water I use. Another thing I noticed is that it very slippery, I'd say more than any other soap I have tried. It's a shame that the lather is not stable. The scent and its slipperiness makes it up for me.
Agreed. Aramis ss lather was disappointing, I added glycerine which helped but couldn't be bothered to continue that regime so it was relegated to a hand soap.
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