Edwin Jagger 89L

I recently took delivery of an EJ 89L (new obviously), from the English Shaving Company.

Dealings with the supplier were very good, courteous and their lead time was timely plus the price of the razor was very attractive. All details on their website.

The 89L is very similar to the Muhle R89 but with a supposedly, newly developed head. It is made in Sheffield, it looks absolutely beautiful and is in chrome although either a faux ivory or black handled version is available. The feel, quality of the finish and attention to quality of detail is apparent; this is no cut price scratcher. Sorry no photograhs; the Spirit household (ie my technological prowess!) precludes such technology at the moment...that's a mid-term project!

I usually swear by the Merkur 34C HD which has to be my user's benmark.

The 89L is markedly lighter than the HD but it is superbly balanced. With a slightly longer hadle (by 3/8") your technique may need to vary...I suddenly found a trailling little finger until I became adjusted. ;)

The grip is not as sure as the HD, with its knurled finish (as has the Muhle R89) and it may take wet hands a day or two to feel comfortable.

The shave itself was smooth (no, make that VERY smooth). Friends I can say, with all candour, that I didn't really understand the 'aggressiveness' term until I graced my face with this; the Merkur was and is my norm. You barely notice the 89L and you may be tempted to apply undue pressure, which is certainly not required.

I used Derby's, naturally enough for me.

Creams used were Erasmic, Palmolive Euro, Omega, BS Maca Root, EJ Sandalwood sample, Cusson's Graphite and Ingrams. I have not tried the 89L with soap.

Would I use it exclusively and abandon mein Merkur? No, the Merkur - in my humble opinion - is superior and provides a better and closer shave but the 89L it is a very good razor in terms of aesthetics, functionality and value which I am proud to own and boast about. It also has a lower initial purchase cost than the HD, by a significant percentage, if that is a consideration.

I do recommend it to you as a very, very decent bit of kit.

Hope this has been helpful?


The edits were all spotted spelling mistakes, doh!
Nice review, thanks.

One small thing: the Mühle R89 (2009 version) has the same new head as the EJ. I'm pretty sure the heads and other parts are actually made in Germany, imported to the UK and then engraved by EJ with their brand name in Sheffield.
Frederick said:
Nice review, thanks.

One small thing: the Mühle R89 (2009 version) has the same new head as the EJ. I'm pretty sure the heads and other parts are actually made in Germany, imported to the UK and then engraved by EJ with their brand name in Sheffield.

Perhaps, Frederick, but I contacted them prior to purchase and the claim is "made in Sheffield..."

Still, a much more cost effective alternative to the R89 if they are all the same thing though?

They do look like fine shaving tools, the only thing that puts me off slightly is the smooth handle. As you say I guess you would get used to it, I am prone to shaving in the shower some days so slightly nervous about slipping.

Good razor that is clearly well made.
This is the safety razor where I started with about a half year ago and I'm still using it. It gives me really good shaves, its mild, but I think there are milder safety razors.

I think the material the Edwin Jagger DE89L is made is very good, this razor will definitely survive for many years to come and can use it even still when I get old. I dropped it twice out my hands, but no damage, just some scratches and still performances really good.

Also its not so expensive, I got mine for about € 21. I can definitely recommend this safety razor, if you want a new one and good qaulity and a mild one, then this one is your go.
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