First Shave with a Schick G

Monday February 23, 2015
Rebublic of Scotland
I am visiting my bother in London this week and he kindly lent me his Schick for a weech over his bathroom sink......:mad:

I displayed a couple of days whiskers to the Schick G and let the single edge blade do its business.........I immediately noticed that the razor was really light and agile......On the first pass the single edge blade cut through my whiskers with ease.......The Schick just wants to glide freely over the contour's of the face with an elegant grace.......:icon_razz:

The small head/blade design makes it effortless to get under the preverbal beak and little nooks and crannies that are sometimes hard to reach with larger headed razors........

This wee gem of a razor seems to do its business with little or no effort......Its a very efficient razor and blade combination to the point where it almost feels benign......while still reminding you that it has the capacity to tear a chunk of flesh from your face........

As all SEs the correct shaving angle is crucial.......The Schick G feels as if it has an automatic on or off button........and the handle is almost sticking out of the side of your face.........

The Schick G is fast and furious and gave me an incredible effortless 3 pass close and smooth irritation free shave.......There is an American culture of freedom and expression with this razor in that it lends itself to you towards continually allowing it to dance all over your face...... :angel:

Enough said.......On the BAY looking for a nice E type Jag........I mean Schick....:icon_razz:

I love my E3.


Congrats on the "G".
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