Gillette Blades

I have been using Gillette 'blue' and have not found them that satsisfactory.

So far I have used:

Russian - Green (good), 'Silver' Blue (not so good)
Indian - 365 (good but no longer made), Goal (not that good)
Vietnam - Red / Superthin (really good).

I have some yellows but have yet to use them.
Been using the 7 O'Clock yellows and they are very good indeed. Very sharp indeed

Just loaded a 7 O'Clock green into my Parker 98R and will be using it this evening. Hoping for a smoother shave.

Just a bit of help, if possible....

I ordered the TSR sample pack from Connaught and there's some cracking blades in there. The Astras are lovely and the Gilette's as stated above are different class (I refuse to use the Feathers until I'm a little more confident in my technique).

But one box of five blades I can't identify....Just a white plastic blade box with a black card cover on which is printed a razor blade.

Any of you any idea what blades these are?

I can't find my Connaught order form so can't check what I ordered.
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