Gold Endcap Replacement

I have an excellent 1940's gold plated Gillette Aristocrat that has but one fault: it's missing one endcap. Recently, I found another in an antique shop for a song that is in lesser condition, but it has both endcaps. I want to do a 'transplant' obviously. I have read that one can de-solder these by holding a candle flame near it. Of course, my logical fear is that I will damage the gold plating. :eek:

Any suggestions? As well, if I do indeed get it off to transplant I am thinking of using Loctite instead of solder to remount. Feedback? :confused:
Would it be safer to replate the cheaper one? I know that doesn't solve the problem with your first razor but at least you end up with one perfect one without risking the fate of the original one
Are you talking about the end caps on the head that cover up the door hinges? If so they are just soldered onto the end of the razor so no cutting is involved at all. If you can get your fingernail behind the bottom and top of the cap you should be able to tease it off, just take your time !! After just clean the old solder off the razor you are keeping and use JB Weld or Araldite to fix it back on, just make sure you get it the right way up.... :)
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Are you talking about the end caps on the head that cover up the door hinges? If so they are just soldered onto the end of the razor so no cutting is involved at all. If you can get your fingernail behind the bottom and top of the cap you should be able to tease it off, just take your time !! After just clean the old solder off the razor you are keeping and use JB Weld or Araldite to fix it back on, just make sure you get it the right way up.... :)
My bad! I read old type!
It's impossible on this particular model. The endcap is part of the hinge. It appears as if my good one has had some sort of top notch jeweler repair in the past. The endcaps don't come off as I had though before. Oh well.
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