

I am glad I have found you. I used to have a straight razor, I got it from eBay and I have no idea if it was what it claimed to be. It was supposedly from Sollingen however the blade cracked and I never really got the hang of shaving with it properly. But now, I am back and I want to do it properly this time.
I can't really afford to invest in the DOVO stuff, even at the lower end of the DOVO range (£75) is still a bit more than I can invest (certainly at this early stage!) So what are peoples recommendations for the low end of the spectrum? I saw on an American based forum (www.badgerandblade.com) that the Chinese made 'Gold Dollar' straight razors, once properly honed, are usable and can be improved with new Scales. Is there a thread somewhere here that can run me through different ones? I don't think I want a Shavette. I already have a brush, it's from Wilkinson Sword and I think its okay, I've been using it for a number of years and I use a shaving soap from L'Occitane.
Thanks, looking forward to recommendations.
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