Hi Guys - Im the owner of www.cleanshaven.co.uk

Hi my fellow Shavers!

My name is Robert and I am the owner of Clean Shaven Razor Blades.
Based in the UK, we sell 3 & 5 blade razors direct to your door.

Like 99% of men in the country, I thought that the price of razors has got ridiculous, so
I decided the do something about it!

I launched clean shaven razor blades in 2013 and things are going ok. Looking to build awareness for my brand, so if anybody has any questions please don't hesitate to ask!!
Welcome to TSR. I fear your particular type of razors may only have limited interest in here. Although there are a few that keep the odd cartridge / disposable for travelling purposes or quick shave.
Might be an idea to send out samples to interested parties to try build your presence of brand.
Welcome to TSR. :)

I use cartridges for head shaving on a regular basis in rotation with SE and DE razors so would be interested in checking your brand out Robert as your prices seem reasonable.

Do you have any discount codes or samples available at all?
They seem to be the same handles and blades as £ Shave Club
or $ Shave Club in the US.

However, with those schemes you are tied into buying
x number of blades per month, but I'm not prepared to
register to find out the details of this offer.

If the guy doesn't come back and answer genuine
questions or register as a vendor,
may I suggest the spam hammer?
I've tried them, no monthly contract you just buy as and when you need. I fall into the category of using a cartridge when travelling so not the best for a review but to me they felt as good as fusion etc but as always YMMV. Prices certainly better and quick delivery.
Hi Guys,

Sorry for the late replies!

Here is some more information about clean shaven razor blades.
We dont do subscription, you just buy when you need!
We offer a free handle with your first order.
We offer discounts code in return for feedback after you have tried the razor.
We offer 100% satisfaction or money back
When you register, you automatically get a Recommend A Friend weblink to share with your friends / family / work colleagues, you receive 10% commission from every sale!
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