Identifying a Blade - Gillette

Thursday January 3, 2013

I have recently acquired some blades but I'm not sure if they are the Gillette 7 o'Clock ones or another series.

The blades come in a plastic holder. You can swipe one out from the side when required. On the reverse there is a section to stick used blades in. There is a sticker on the front which says "Gillette 10". "Gillette" is also printed on the blades but nothing else. A "3" is printed on the left side and a "4" on the right.
Any guesses?

I'll try and get a picture later if it isn't solved.

Without a photo sounds like they are old stock made in the 1990s - Gillette Platinum, Gillette Bleue Extra or Gillette Super Silver (possibly other lines I haven't seen). The first two are very good.
NotTheStig said:
Without a photo sounds like they are old stock made in the 1990s - Gillette Platinum, Gillette Bleue Extra or Gillette Super Silver (possibly other lines I haven't seen). The first two are very good.

Yes. Bleue have "Bleue" written on the blade. Never used Super Silver far as I recall.
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