Kucci and men-u Premier Bargain brushes

I apologize if these offers have been reported elsewhere.

Firstly is the Kucci badger brush available on e-bay for just £7.99 inc postage. I have one of these, and though the handle is hollow, and a bit on the cheap size, the knot (in my limited experience) is quite dense, and it lathers beautifully. Has to be a bargain :icon_razz:

I have also just sent of for this :- men-u Premier synthetic brush
I haven't received it yet, but the brush gets good reviews, and it has to be a steal at this price with the included creams.

Their cream was the first proper shaving cream I ever tried, along with their cheap, boar brush. I must warn you I couldn't get it to lather at all; then again I was new to traditional shaving back then, but, even so, there are many better creams, IMO, available for the same sort of money or less.
chrisbell said:
I must warn you I couldn't get it to lather at all

Oh dear, that doesn't sound very promising. I just hope the brush lives up to the reviews I've read, which are largely encouraging......
Jeltz said:

Mmmm, I will just be happy if it's the best shaving brush in the world for a tenner, but the competition is still pretty stiff. I will report back when it arrives!
It isn't a bad brush but will probably shed a lot of hairs. I still have one although I don't use it but I found it performed as good or sometimes better than the couple of semogues I have tried.
pmorris4562 said:
chrisbell said:
I must warn you I couldn't get it to lather at all

Oh dear, that doesn't sound very promising. I just hope the brush lives up to the reviews I've read, which are largely encouraging......

Hi there,

This is a great price for that Premier brush. About five years ago an experienced forum member did a review on synthetics and that one he liked a lot.

Believe it or not, the owner of the big forum rates the shaving cream as one of the best he's used. Heh, guess you'll have to let us know how these items turn out.

Hi all,
I ordered the Premier from salon skin care last week for a good price £11 approx including a mini pack of Men-u products , unfortunately they sent the cheaper barbiere version. Sorted after a couple of emails and the right brush arrived yesterday.
i was not impressed on picking the thing up , no weight in the handle , the "bristles" looking a cheap imitation of badger and a horrible blue colour . The whole thing just felt WRONG, but give it a whirl .

The thing works very well , amazing face lather yesterday with MWF, great today with some Nannys lavender, dries incredibly fast (so will be great for holidays) , easy to rinse out and clean. The feel against my face isnt the same as my usual brushes- some prickliness and nowhere near as luxuriously dense as Fido's - but better than i expected when unpacking it .

Is it the champion of all brushes as described in the You tube video - NO
Does it produce great lather - A big YES
At the price I paid ,it is a great bargain and would recommend giving it a go , will be interesting to see if it develops over time .
At £10 for the Men-u I highly doubt you've bough the premiere and like neal, you will probably receive the barbiere brush. Which is a cheap bristle brush.

Even selling at cost price they would be losing money on the premiere brush which usually sells for between £35 - £40
andyjreid said:
At £10 for the Men-u I highly doubt you've bough the premiere and like neal, you will probably receive the barbiere brush. Which is a cheap bristle brush.

Even selling at cost price they would be losing money on the premiere brush which usually sells for between £35 - £40

I think you're seriously overrating their cost prices ;)
Helveticum said:
andyjreid said:
At £10 for the Men-u I highly doubt you've bough the premiere and like neal, you will probably receive the barbiere brush. Which is a cheap bristle brush.

Even selling at cost price they would be losing money on the premiere brush which usually sells for between £35 - £40

I think you're seriously overrating their cost prices ;)

Maybe but I wouldn't imagine that they could have upheld a 300% mark up for such a long period of time.

Regardless, money could have been better spent on a Vulfix 404 mix
andyjreid said:
At £10 for the Men-u I highly doubt you've bough the premiere and like neal, you will probably receive the barbiere brush. Which is a cheap bristle brush.

Even selling at cost price they would be losing money on the premiere brush which usually sells for between £35 - £40

They did incorrectly send the barbiere but did replace it with the Premiere when i pointed it out to them . The barbiere is only £5 with them , the premiere £11.39 plus postage . http://www.salonskincare.co.uk/product_info.php/cPath/32/products_id/11544

I think a good bargain
Well, mine arrived yesterday, and it's definitely the premiere :icon_razz: Comes with 2 of the small men-u shaving creams (which claim to last for 20 shaves each), a small tube of a/s balm and a small tube of face wash cream.

I have no experience of synthetics at all, but was pleasantly surprised when I shaved with it last night. Lathered up some Palmolive cream in my bowl very quickly, and plenty of it too. A little bit prickly on the skin if applied firmly, somewhere in between boar and badger IMHO, but not at all uncomfortable. I will be interested to see if it 'breaks in' at all. The cheap and hollow plastic handle is a bit of a let down though.

All in all, I'm very satisfied with it for the price, but would be considerably less so if I'd paid the full RRP!

Has anyone tried the Kucci yet? I think it's an even better bargain than the men-u....
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