One handed shaving

Sh*t man. At least for me it is scheduled so I can prepare. You can pass me your experiences :-S. What is the prognosis?

What is the size of your wine-cellar? Do you have enough stocked to replace what was lost? :lol:

I tried to look up the double sided suction cup suggestion, in dutch. For those that are interested, I'll provide the google URL for your amusement on the hits. The first is a wholesale, the second a party articles shop, and it goes downhill after that. Use google translate if you do need a translation (which I doubt): The dutch reputation is once-more confirmed. But I'm glad with the first two hits - it just shows that I did use the right search-terms.

I'm now experimenting with double-sided tape on a metal bowl, which survived the first test. The cream-on-face + brush also works well, I just used WAY to much cream for the first attempt.

Just an update:

The double-sided suction cup. I located one in jokes & funnies store, intended to fix a cup to a saucer. That did not work out well. The suction is not sufficient.

So I've now come up with the next solution and that is that I put soap in a IKEA Grundtal (I've got about six of them) and using double-sided tape, I fixed 6 little DealExtreme neodymium magnets (US$10/100) to the tiles


The Grundtal goes onto that and voila- enough sticking power to be able to load the brush:


So as long as I can get the lid off, I can cheerfully enjoy all the options I have.



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Re the after shave, maybe you good try small pieces of material - cut up old hankies would be good - and then spray or splash your AS onto them and use them like one of those wee wipes you get with in flight meals. Just an idea.
I wish you a speedy recovery - and you the same huxley.
Thanks not the same as mrkii but least i got a taste of what it was like, served me right for not concentrating.

Nice idea on the magnets, i have two 1" magnets here that i use for various things, clamp like a demon don't they.

Just go easy as i've heard they're rather brittle.
Dandy Highwayman said:
Re the after shave, maybe you good try small pieces of material - cut up old hankies would be good - and then spray or splash your AS onto them and use them like one of those wee wipes you get with in flight meals. Just an idea.
I wish you a speedy recovery - and you the same huxley.
That may work out well - I'll give it a run tomorrow morning and se how it goes.

Just go easy as i've heard they're rather brittle.

They are indeed but as long as you have something solid behind it - they are ok. If you let them snap together they fragment. They are darn usful things though. I stick one to the bottom of my brushes and hang'm to dry on an IKEA Grundtal magnetic rack. I've got an IKEA nearby ....

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