REVIEW: Yaqi synthetics, badgers and lather bowl


Hey Gents,

I’m back with another Yaqi review. Hope you all find it helpful in deciding which Yaqi product may suit you best. Please check out my previous reviews for lots more Yaqi products!


No shedding. I haven’t had a single shedder brush from Yaqi in the last couple of years! This review point has become redundant!


With synthetics, I’ve come to learn that due to the softness of the tips, they are going to perform wonderfully and still feel good on the face no matter how deep the knot is set or how big the glue bump is.

However, the presence of glue bumps is really not an issue as they are 5mm or less. At 5mm, it doesn’t impact the splay of the knot. It’s the 10mm+ glue bumps that really do impact the face feel of the brush. None of the brushes I have gotten in this batch have glue bumps over 10mm so I’m very happy about that.

I find basically the bigger the synthetic knot is, the better it splays out. My preference when it comes to Yaqi synthetics is their 26mm knots as the splay is very nice and they don’t feel huge on the face. In fact, they feel smaller than the Yaqi 24mm badger brushes.


The above applies equally to the brushes in this review. The 26mm lucky dice is luxuriously soft. The tuxedo knot does give a good backbone but the 26mm knot increases the splay due to being a bigger knot size and so the backbone I find is balanced, although still maintains that characteristic Tuxedo face feel.

The black metal handle and barberpole tuxedo knots are both 24mm and this is evident compared to the Lucky Dice because the backbone is stronger and the splay is less. The metal handle knot is set in a way that it does splay a little wider than the barberpole and as such, I found it to be more balanced between splay and backbone.

The Butterscotch Cashmere knot is luxurious! It has a very soft, feather-like face feel and this is exceptional for those that have sensitive skin and/or prone to brush burn. It’s also a very good choice for those that really like to enjoy the face lathering process and lather for a long time, which can lead to skin sensitivity, sometimes without realising it!!

Getting on to the badger brushes…

The Lucky Dice has a large 26mm Two Band Badger (TBB) knot. The break-in period is now lesser compared to older Yaqi brushes. I believe this could be due to some treatment of the knot tips, making them a little softer. But these are NOT gel tips and as such, I don’t believe they are bleached. Perhaps a light acid dip just to soften the tips.

As can be expected from a TBB knot, the backbone is stronger than Silvertip brushes. The hair shaft is thicker and this retains good backbone whilst the tips will continue to break in and become as soft as a Silvertip over time.

The Mysterious Space has a 24mm TBB. Being 2mm smaller than the Lucky Dice, the brush exhibits slightly less splay and slightly more backbone. This knot is not quite as soft as the Lucky Dice nor are the tips as light in colour, again suggesting some brushes are being partially-treated to soften the tips.

The Sagrada Familia has a 22mm TBB and is a wonderful addition to the Yaqi badger family. It’s the first 22mm badger knot Yaqi released and it definitely doesn’t disappoint! Out of these three brushes, this one has the most backbone and, as expected, smallest splay due to having the smallest knot out of the three.

If you like a compact knot that provides a good scrub on the face, this will be very satisfying!





Lather Bowl:

This lather bowl is made of glazed ceramic. It’s solid, it’s heavy and works a treat!

You could use it as a full lather bowl as it’s big enough to allow swirling of the brush without clanking the sides of the bowl.

It’s also spacious enough to contain the lather being build without overflowing and making a mess.

I find it also makes for a great loading bowl. Just smear your soap or cream into the lather grooves and load up your brush. It works really great, especially for when we have a bunch of those pesky little sample containers that never seem to get used!


Hey Gents,

I’m back with another Yaqi review. Hope you all find it helpful in deciding which Yaqi product may suit you best. Please check out my previous reviews for lots more Yaqi products!


No shedding. I haven’t had a single shedder brush from Yaqi in the last couple of years! This review point has become redundant!


With synthetics, I’ve come to learn that due to the softness of the tips, they are going to perform wonderfully and still feel good on the face no matter how deep the knot is set or how big the glue bump is.

However, the presence of glue bumps is really not an issue as they are 5mm or less. At 5mm, it doesn’t impact the splay of the knot. It’s the 10mm+ glue bumps that really do impact the face feel of the brush. None of the brushes I have gotten in this batch have glue bumps over 10mm so I’m very happy about that.

I find basically the bigger the synthetic knot is, the better it splays out. My preference when it comes to Yaqi synthetics is their 26mm knots as the splay is very nice and they don’t feel huge on the face. In fact, they feel smaller than the Yaqi 24mm badger brushes.


The above applies equally to the brushes in this review. The 26mm lucky dice is luxuriously soft. The tuxedo knot does give a good backbone but the 26mm knot increases the splay due to being a bigger knot size and so the backbone I find is balanced, although still maintains that characteristic Tuxedo face feel.

The black metal handle and barberpole tuxedo knots are both 24mm and this is evident compared to the Lucky Dice because the backbone is stronger and the splay is less. The metal handle knot is set in a way that it does splay a little wider than the barberpole and as such, I found it to be more balanced between splay and backbone.

The Butterscotch Cashmere knot is luxurious! It has a very soft, feather-like face feel and this is exceptional for those that have sensitive skin and/or prone to brush burn. It’s also a very good choice for those that really like to enjoy the face lathering process and lather for a long time, which can lead to skin sensitivity, sometimes without realising it!!

Getting on to the badger brushes…

The Lucky Dice has a large 26mm Two Band Badger (TBB) knot. The break-in period is now lesser compared to older Yaqi brushes. I believe this could be due to some treatment of the knot tips, making them a little softer. But these are NOT gel tips and as such, I don’t believe they are bleached. Perhaps a light acid dip just to soften the tips.

As can be expected from a TBB knot, the backbone is stronger than Silvertip brushes. The hair shaft is thicker and this retains good backbone whilst the tips will continue to break in and become as soft as a Silvertip over time.

The Mysterious Space has a 24mm TBB. Being 2mm smaller than the Lucky Dice, the brush exhibits slightly less splay and slightly more backbone. This knot is not quite as soft as the Lucky Dice nor are the tips as light in colour, again suggesting some brushes are being partially-treated to soften the tips.

The Sagrada Familia has a 22mm TBB and is a wonderful addition to the Yaqi badger family. It’s the first 22mm badger knot Yaqi released and it definitely doesn’t disappoint! Out of these three brushes, this one has the most backbone and, as expected, smallest splay due to having the smallest knot out of the three.

If you like a compact knot that provides a good scrub on the face, this will be very satisfying!





Lather Bowl:

This lather bowl is made of glazed ceramic. It’s solid, it’s heavy and works a treat!

You could use it as a full lather bowl as it’s big enough to allow swirling of the brush without clanking the sides of the bowl.

It’s also spacious enough to contain the lather being build without overflowing and making a mess.

I find it also makes for a great loading bowl. Just smear your soap or cream into the lather grooves and load up your brush. It works really great, especially for when we have a bunch of those pesky little sample containers that never seem to get used!



Thank you for sharing your thoughts in an excellent review.

By far my favourite has to go to the Cashmeres. So much so I have gone up to 30mm which are real monsters. Fortunately I have a face like sandpaper
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