SOTD: Saturday 11 May - Friday 17 May 2024.

As my final entry for this past week of SOTD's my last two shaves arrive with theme, 'A nice pair'

Pink Floyd? Nope, sod that one...

And you really were expecting some kind of smutty photo weren't you?



Half a pair of razors - Stainless Mongoose
Only a single blade - Feather Professional
A nice brush - Highlander LFC
A soapy pair - Signature Londinium
A soft pair - Trufitt and Hill Grafton balm

'You dance and we'll pluck our banjo string'

After my last and usual first time out with a Feather AC blade and a couple of weepers, to smooth and perfect. Always glad to get that first time out the way as heaven always prevails. Team lather? Spot on.

Two shaves and a Friday? Yup, two doses of those Puffyshoes girls....



Two eunuchs - Occams Enoch
A single blade again - Feather Professional
A pair of Highlanders - LE 2023
Two Spaniards - Alvarez and Gomez
Two Brits - Col n' Jen
Smelly pair - Abbate Y Mantia Krokos splash

A smashing shave. Thank you

Okay no smut I said and no smut it shall be. But my shave needs an ending and why? it can only be Puffyshoes'


And I love you all. Me, not her
Last edited:
Sat 18
Soap Tabac Stick
Brush Yaqi 24mm Sagrada Familia
Razor Gillette New SC
Blade Gillette London Bridge
Aftershave Yaqi PinaColada Chillers
A truly magnificent lather from this soap. Rich creamy and very slick...
The razor and blade combination provided an effortlessly smooth and efficient shave...
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