SOTD Sunday 24th Feb

Thursday October 4, 2012
Well this morning arrived- and I decided to use the Muhle R41 'Vampire' I received yesterday. As it happens I'm not working on Monday so I thought if it gets messy I've got a day to recover :s

I started off using my home made pre-shave oil, and whilst that was doing it's job I loaded my brush (a hand made shaving company large bristle brush) with my soap mixture (grated Arko and Palmolive sticks along with the leftovers of a tabac puck pressed into an olive wood soap bowl)

After whipping up a nice lather I painted it on my chops, waited for about 20 seconds and got to work!

I am SO glad I did a lot of research on this razor and how to use it!

The 1st touch on my face got my interest as it were :icon_eek:

With the handle about 70 degs to my face I did the 1st pass- Very good- quite smooth and comfortable.

Anyway- I won't bore you any more, I did a WTG and XTG (in both directions) and summoned my courage to do a ATG.

All were fine- I still had a face and shed no blood!

The blade I used was an Astra SP (removed to be used in another razor as per advice- the Vampire ony likes new blades apparently)

I finished off with a rub of Waitrose 'Simple' moisturiser (very good and cheap)

All in all a good experience.

9 hours later (as I type) my face is still smooth.

so, Tony 1 Vampire 0
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