Thank you Nigella

Wednesday August 26, 2009
New Forest, England.
I was despatched to the garage today to fetch some Coca Cola as my wife was fiddling about with a slow cooker.

Many hours later, with a nice bottle of wine, I tasted the results of my mission.

Together with some saute cream potatoes and asparagus this made a superb meal.
antdad said:
PC, we all know you just drink the Cola because you're not allowed it normally.

:blush: I actually went a bit crazy over Christmas, some days drinking as much as two whole cans. I had some Coke left over at New Year so gave them to my in-laws to keep them out of harm's way! I eat too much sweet stuff as it is and I don't want any more fillings!!
hoodlight said:
What kind of ham do you use? And I don't understand the bit where she says remove the skin.

We just used some gammon from Tescos.

In a slow cooker for several hours. Skin peeled of after removal from slow cooker, dark brown sugar was pressed into the fat, then it was finished off in oven for about 45 minutes.
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