Valet Auto Strop Problem

I recently purchased a Valet Auto Strop (184808) and wondered if someone with knowledge of the razor could provide me with their experience.

On mine; when a Feather/Valet is loaded and the head is locked, the edge of the blade falls past where the guard area is (pic 1) and shaving is made impossible by the blade lacking stability while in use.

From a bit of Googling I've discovered a picture of my model where raised blade guard clasps appear prominent:

Pic 2 Shows the blade guard portion on mine. Running my finger over the metal gives me the impression the previous owner may have filed it off as the area is flat, yet scratchy. [Worth noting also is that one of the points on the top cog is missing (pic 3).]

Can I confirm that mine lacks a blade guard? Or is there something about the razor/loading that I've missed?


I am not 100% sure but I suspect the problem is that this model is one of the much less common ones that did not take a feather blade only an original Valet blade, this is due to the way that the cut outs and pins align. Valet kept changing the position of these to prevent the use of rivals blades.

Somebody has tried to fit a Feather blade and it will only fit on 'the skew' ie one side sticks out beyond the blade stop so they have doctored the blade stop and buggered up the razor. It also looks as if they have had a go at the blade gate to try and circumvent the problem of the pins not aligning.

Either way I'm afraid you are left with a paperweight, it's shaving days are over.

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