Valet VC1 Box

Having given the actual razor a bit of tlc when it arrived yesterday, I figured it was the turn of the case today.

I thought I'd brave using some industrial carpet cleaner we happen to have at home, what could go wrong??

I mixed up a fairly strong solution with nice warm water and went to work on the material inside the case with a soft toothbrush. Within seconds the dirt started to lift. I got the material fairly wet and gave it a good scrub, being very careful to avoid the silver printed text on the lid section. Once I thought I'd pressed my luck far enough I mopped up all the suds with a good amount of kitchen towel before giving the inside a going over with a hair dryer.

All that remained then was to stick down the loose trim and put everything back in the box :)



Maybe not loads of difference, but at least I know it's clean :)

One last pic with it all back together.

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