Vitamix Blender

I see they had an alternative brand on last night.;{idealworld_1001_8010}/kitchen_appliances_iw@gt;{processors202620blenders}
fozz77 said:
A blender and a juicer are two different tools in my eyes.

This is a juicer ;

Yes I agree, though the juicer we use is the popular Philips Aluminium one that you can fit whole apples in to. We've been there done that with the posh masticating ;)juicers having owned a Champion. It was just too fiddly and slow, and didn't appear to extract more juice than the cheaper, quicker and more convenient Philips.

We were hoping that the Vitamix might mean we could do without our juicer but if you put everything in to it you just end up with sludge, even if it is a smooth sludge. There's just too much pulp and fibrous stuff to make the result drinkable, so we're now compromising by using both in combination.
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