Washing brush after every shave?

Wednesday December 29, 2021
Do you wash your brush after every shave? I tend to wash after every shave however I have found sometimes that if I’m in a hurry I’ve left the brush in my bowl I just add some extra cream and it’s all good….whats best?
I rinse it out until the water runs clear. I've found, over years, that if I don't get soap, cream or croap out after every use, there will eventually be a build-up of hardened soap in the core of the knot. I have always thought that a brush in good order should splay from tip to handle, and a brush with a hard core of soap residue won't.

It's probably a lesser concern with synths and cheaper to replace brushes, but matters with any brush, especially badger.
Rinse it out thoroughly, even poke and twist in a small bowl of warm water, flick it out in the sink, flop it on a towel and wipe off the handle, then stand it on the flat bottom the way it was meant to be. I never torture and abuse my brushes by hanging them upside-down or leaving them soapy and discarded like unwanted trash.
Also I rinse the brush and "handlather" with water until all soap is gone, flick it out indeed and also stand it upright always and then just let it dry couple of days.

Soap has several properties that you want or need on the skin but also is an environment (like Ph) which does not seem to me to be the best in terms of storing the hair in such alkaline conditions. it happens occasionally that i forgot to clean and rinse the brush and that doesn't kill it immediately of course.

if you want to get a better impression of how this works you might try shampooing your own hair and leaving it in until the next wash. i would presume over time this would lead to issues on your scalp apart from probably some strange looks:cool: just take the grief in the name of science!

i think the plastics (synthetics) could handle the soaps much better, we also store our soaps in plastic tubs for years so thats a much more inert material i would think
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