What do you do with your old T-shirts?

West Devon
I have a few T-shirts that are way beyond their best but because I've had them so long they're so soft and feel like velvet. The prints on them are very worn and the black ones are grey on the bottom half and greyer at the top where I suppose the sun and/or sweat has got to them.

The thing is, I've had these shirts for years and they have sentimental value but there are holes under the armpits, there are fag burns in them, they've lost their shape and the collars are frayed. Yes, they're really old.

I still like to wear them but my missus hates them and says she wished I'd stop looking like a tramp and to be fair, I can see her point; when I don't wear them for a while I can see that they're tatty as hell and probably don't show me off in my best light but I love them and don't want to chuck them.

I thought about keeping them to do odd jobs in like fix my bike or changing the oil etc but really they're too good for that (her indoors would disagree).

So, do you have anything like this and what do you/would you do with them? I suppose I could just let go and bin them but I've had them so long and they have memories attached to them. I suspect I'm being a sad git but there you are.
If the colours have faded I tend to throw them away or recycle them, if its something I don't wear often I'll try and sell it on ebay to get something back for it. Usually the ones that aren't wearable are ones with holes in them or have really faded.

I have a lot of t-shirts anyway so if I chuck a few out its not like I'll run out of them to wear!
Thanks for the suggestions. I think I like the idea of using them to wrap stuff, that way I can still keep them and have a use for them too.

I have many other T-shirts cut up in the rag bag and these frequently get an outing for messy jobs and cleaning.
Take no notice of the heartless bastards, Mark!! You must have a ceremony!

A big old bonfire is a grand way of letting go stuff to which we have attachments. Do a bit of Native American dancing around it, chuck the precious shirts on one by one, saying goodbye to each as you will and as is appropriate for it. Let their spirits go, up into the sky, free again.

As you can probably guess, this whole process is made more meaningful if witnessed by other people. Maybe they have something they want to let go.

As you can also probably guess, everybody should bring their own booze, which should be consumed freely, copiously and in quantity.

Sounds like SWMBO will agree to anything to get rid of those shirts .............!
Re: RE: What do you do with your old T-shirts?

Bechet45 said:
Take no notice of the heartless bastards, Mark!! You must have a ceremony!

A big old bonfire is a grand way of letting go stuff to which we have attachments. Do a bit of Native American dancing around it, chuck the precious shirts on one by one, saying goodbye to each as you will and as is appropriate for it. Let their spirits go, up into the sky, free again.

As you can probably guess, this whole process is made more meaningful if witnessed by other people. Maybe they have something they want to let go.

As you can also probably guess, everybody should bring their own booze, which should be consumed freely, copiously and in quantity.

Sounds like SWMBO will agree to anything to get rid of those shirts .............!

I've changed my mind, this is what I'm going to do.

What a great idea! :-D

I'll save it for my annual trip to Cornwall. I always try and have at least one week there and I always have a fire. There's always lits if booze too.

Great idea! :-D
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