What's in the box?

Wilkinson Sword Empire?

I picked this up for the price of a pint because it looked interesting, particularly with the original wooden box. God knows I have no use for the thing, this is my first step down the road of shaver ruin I'm sure. I have a sneaking suspiscion that there may be some bit missing from the top of the razor, perhaps someone here can advise?

By the look of the wear on the plating it's been used with the handle on the straight razor far more than the safety razor. It also has four Wilkinson Sword blades (marked Tom Beasely sword smith on the reverse of the logo) which are still pretty sharp. Could these be re-sharpened? They seem a bit too good to be disposable.

I'm new to the whole proper shaving thing and think I'll stick to DE razors, I'm certainly not brave enough to try this out.
Saw a similar set on eBayUS. I also wasn't sure how it worked but if I remember it went for quite I bit more than I was willing to pay. You may have something there.
On closer inspection, it appears that there may be a bit broken off (circled red in the photo).

I'm never going to use it so I think I might stick in in the for sale forum. I'd like a swap for an adjustable DE razor, is this a reasonable ask or am I being over/under ambitious?


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