Will not be around for a while

I'm sorry to hear this Steve and I hope and route for you getting through it as good as possible. Life has never been a straight line for me (well, at times things has gone really well, but then ...) and I think that's true to most, but not much comfort when you're in it. I can sign what Carl wrote, at least all the good stuff :D ...

Well, as for Martini, it's good to see him mooch for more fuddle, he can't help it, God bless his little soul (keep on drinking those AS: s Martin, it's prob better compared to what you used to tipple before).
Mikael said:
Well, as for Martini, it's good to see him mooch for more fuddle, he can't help it, God bless his little soul (keep on drinking those AS: s Martin, it's prob better compared to what you used to tipple before).

Yes, I do think of myself as a habitual and chronic fuddle moocher. Good call there, Unca Mikey.

Sheeesh, I make one mention way in the past about sipping on some vintage Old Spice cologne and you just won't let it go! I think it was a set up......somehow.

I hope Steve will still post those car boot treasures that are attracted to him like a magnet. Hah, I know it drives you foreigners nuts to see what he finds in the wild. Damn guy even found a 195 bottom dial in Yankertown for God's sake!!

Bestest to you,

Hey Steve,

Take it easy fella and take as long as you need. I know you had some tough times last year and it seems that life continues to knock a good man. You'll be back and probably a stronger and better man for it.

Hope it is not too long before we see you back here.

Take care

Will miss you Steve; I would selfishly say I hope it's only temporary. But if it's best for you to be longer, then .....that's best for you. Onward and upward!
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