Wohoo i got myself a boat :)

pjgh said:
Fantastic! Do you keep them to eat, or chuck 'em back? Is the fun the chase, or the fish for food?

Nothing like just a fish, fresh from the water, cooked, squeeze of lemon ... lovely.

Well i dont eat fish :) but sometimes on request i give a few to family and friends. but most go back into the water. I just love the sport and beeing outdoors in the fresh air.
Don't eat fish? DON'T EAT FISH? Are you broken? Don't eat fish, indeed ...

Man, you are missing out.

Man, I'm missing out ... having visited your wonderful country a good number of times, your "outdoors" is beautiful. I'm not surprised you like being out there.

Good on you, lad.

But please ... try some fish. Fish is wonderful :D
pjgh said:
Don't eat fish? DON'T EAT FISH? Are you broken? Don't eat fish, indeed ...

Man, you are missing out.

Man, I'm missing out ... having visited your wonderful country a good number of times, your "outdoors" is beautiful. I'm not surprised you like being out there.

Good on you, lad.

But please ... try some fish. Fish is wonderful :D

haha well i get my omega in pills so im not missing out on that atleast :D there is only one fish i can eat and its tuna.. i dont like the smell or taste from fish. "note i dont touch the fish with bare hands to slimy and smelly for me) lmao :)
Omega caps? Sups are for saps, mate! Eat real food, damn it!

My breakfast ...


Well, if chasing these fellows around in a boat is fun for you, carry on ...

I just wish I was in the boat with you. I'd take all those fish home for my dinner. Me, Mrs and the cats :D
Lovely looking Perch Magnus, I was once a member of the Perch fishing society I've never caught Perch above 2lb I know the world record is 10lb 4oz caught by a lure angler in Poland experts recon the fish was more than 40 years old, the UK record is 6lb 4oz, livebaiting is the best method for catching bigger fish.
pugh-the-special-one said:
Lovely looking Perch Magnus, I was once a member of the Perch fishing society I've never caught Perch above 2lb I know the world record is 10lb 4oz caught by a lure angler in Poland experts recon the fish was more than 40 years old, the UK record is 6lb 4oz, livebaiting is the best method for catching bigger fish.

Thats pretty cool Jamie. i think the swedish record is close to 7 lb from a smal lake.

My personal best is 3lb i hope to break it soon :) i know live baite is best for the bigger once but have only been using jig. a friend took a 4lb last year on a big wobbler.
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