Panna Crema is being discontinued/discount code

Probably one of the most overrated soaps/creams ever and ridiculously priced to boot at MSRP. This is what happens when you listen to idiot shaving "influencers" who once were all the rage. :rolleyes:
I bought two at the time. Fell for the hype. The smell was great but the performance was meh. Still have some blu to get through
Let me chime in and have my say, hoping I don't make a mistake with the translation.
The suggestion is not to be taken literally, it is not important.
If the suggestion was valid only for Nuavia Pannacrema soaps, from now on it will no longer be needed.
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In an Italian forum with many Nuavia fans and with more than three hundred messages on the subject of Nuavia soap, the method for obtaining a good foam is written.
There it is written that the right amount of water and soap for Nuàvia is respectively four and seven grams, precisely four of Nuavia and seven of water and there is nothing written about the two phases therefore in one fell swoop. the method used by fans of the 4H47 party!
I have never used Nuavia, although it seems you wrote that the instructions on the soap are written a little differently, i.e. three grams of soap and seven grams of water.
There are those who have tried using this method with other soaps and write that they like them, but four grams of soap is a lot of marketing strategies to consume more soap and finish the bowl quickly.
It did not work. It makes no sense to take the scale and the syringe to the bathroom to measure the grams of soap and water.
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Last month on the Pannacrema website they ran out of all Nuavia soaps.
Now on their website they write that they are just updating the shop and we will be back soon.

Screenshot 2024-07-28 104734.png

Maybe they'll come back?
While we wait to find out, let's prepare the syringes and the scales.
If these soaps were to return, it could be very useful for precise measurement and obtaining an excellent creamy foam.
FGS it's shaving soap. How hard can it be? Wet brush, wet face, apply brush to face, swirl around until lather forms, shave, done. This soap is from shavings golden era some 4-5 years ago when forums were Kings and people like me bought as much as possible, far more than was ever needed in many lifetimes. Hopefully those days have now gone.
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