Do shaving soaps “go bad”

Hey folks,

Digging this one up - I'm tempted with some new soaps but concerned about them going foul. The information on the back of my current soaps suggests 6 months. Can anybody share any more experiences?

Research leads to me to believe cella is known for having mold issues over long periods of time (usually a symptom of the 1kg block), but that's it. I could assume the tallow base has something to play in this?
If kept dry they should only dry out over a long period and maybe go a little darker. Wrapping in clingfilm should help against that.
The mould issue would only happen if they get moisture in them and no air to dry them.
I have soaps and creams that are sixty plus years old. The soaps are fine and the creams tend to go hard in the tubes but are usable if you can get the cream out.
No ingredients listed back then but tallow is a likely ingredient as this was common practice at the time
I've never had a soap go off. Mine now are around three years old due to losing interest in just chucking money at shaving. They all perform as good as the day they were opened. I use them, rinse them out then turn them upside down to drain whilst I shave, then put the lid back and they go back on the shelf.
Mine are Stirling, A&E and B&M, not a problem with any of them.
I used to get problems with Palmolive shaving sticks, when I kept them in the metal containers in my shaving kit for too long. That was mostly drying out, cracking and smelling a bit musty.
I have a palmolive shave stick, purchased 2008, which I use when travelling sometimes. It's still fine. I tend to let it air dry and store it in the original box, not air tight.

Shave creams, not that you asked about those, seem to go slightly hard, like a soft soap.
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