Yaqi Avanti. A Stainless Progress, finally....

There are a couple videos on YouTube on this creation from Yaqi named the Avanti. I won't go into the pros & cons of them nor how it was presented. However, I've always been intrigued by the potential benefit of one being produced in Stainless Steel by Merkur. That has never happened until now with Yaqi creating a replica of the much talked about Progress on its benefits and also its achilles heel of sub par metal (Zamak) and the corrosion that inevitably it will encounter through repeated use over time.

Have one on order just to see how it performs and if there truly is an added benefit to its performance other than knowing in this alloy it will & should most certainly last a few lifetimes.

Stay tuned....

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Looks like yet another Yaqi clone gone mad on price. Yaqi Avanti on aliexpress £127.99 plus tax and shipping; Merkur Progress 500 at Maguire's Barbershop £52.49 or the longer handle 510 at £55 plus shipping. The question is whether stainless steel is worth paying more than double the price and whether Yaqi is better than Merkur?
Looks like yet another Yaqi clone gone mad on price. Yaqi Avanti on aliexpress £127.99 plus tax and shipping; Merkur Progress 500 at Maguire's Barbershop £52.49 or the longer handle 510 at £55 plus shipping. The question is whether stainless steel is worth paying more than double the price and whether Yaqi is better than Merkur?

yeh..it looks nice but the price puts me off.
It came in last week. Haven't shaved with it as of yet but, planning on doing so sometime in the week or next. Very good build quality that looks and feels as if it were done by more well known artisan razor producers like Timeless, Carbon, Blackland and a few others that escape me. Hell, one could say if Merkur had done it, many would say well done Merkur and wouldn't think twice about the price.

The hypocrisy runs a bit deep especially when it comes to products produced in China/Asia. Not saying that it hasn't been earned but, let's not throw the bath water out with the baby just yet.

A few pics below.

Looks like yet another Yaqi clone gone mad on price. Yaqi Avanti on aliexpress £127.99 plus tax and shipping; Merkur Progress 500 at Maguire's Barbershop £52.49 or the longer handle 510 at £55 plus shipping. The question is whether stainless steel is worth paying more than double the price and whether Yaqi is better than Merkur?
These Questions are in the eyes of the beholder
In my experience, based on razors in have in both alloy and SS versions, yes it is. Especially when we're talking such small amounts

Personally, I don't get the movement to Stainless Steel away from brass and plated brass. In comparison brass wins every time: Brass threads are smootherr than stainless steel and brass holds the heat whereas stainless steel get cold quickly. I suppose the one paramenter which I can understand is that stainless steel lasts longer than plated brass. However I am currently using Gillette Tech razors which are plated brass and which were made in the 1950s and still going strong. Zinc alloy otherwise known as Zamak or Zamac is simply the modern equivalent of brass,

The razor in question, Yaqi Avanti, is listed as 316 and nor 316L and is not stated to be CNC machined. That probably means it is cast and then polished. It is therefore a cheap Chinese Clone which is sold at a premium!
For me, if you can get used to the plastic dongler then it’s Merkur all the way. It was my favourite razor 14 years ago, but I also bought the metal-donglered Digress. That really was a winner for a smallish-premium. I regret selling them, but tend not to re-buy stuff… onwards and upwards and all that.
I’m OK with brass and zamac. In fact, I’ve always had trouble finding a SS razor that suited me… until I discovered the excellent Rockwell 6S.
Looks great though I'm not a fan of the knurling on the knob.

I'm also one of those who prefers plated brass over stainless, they're always so heavy and cold... Not quite so bad when highly polished but even then the heads never seem to glide against your skin quite as smoothly as nickel plating for some reason.

I think the price on this one is totally fair considering the materials (stainless), fabrication (machined) and finishing (polished) - The only cheaper stainless razors out there such as the 3on6 and Rocca use inferior fabrication (MIM) and finishing (unpolished.)
The hypocrisy runs a bit deep especially when it comes to products produced in China/Asia.

Hypocrisy is exactly the right word, as you can encounter people who will drool over the quality, fit and finish of their new iphone, yet turn their nose up at the thought of buying something "made in China".

"Swiss Made" watches assembled from Chinese sourced parts, "Premium electronics" made in China and then rebadged.

There is the obvious problems of working conditions and human rights etc, but nothing wrong with the quality of manufacturing in modern China / Asia
Personally, I don't get the movement to Stainless Steel away from brass and plated brass. In comparison brass wins every time: Brass threads are smootherr than stainless steel and brass holds the heat whereas stainless steel get cold quickly. I suppose the one paramenter which I can understand is that stainless steel lasts longer than plated brass. However I am currently using Gillette Tech razors which are plated brass and which were made in the 1950s and still going strong. Zinc alloy otherwise known as Zamak or Zamac is simply the modern equivalent of brass,

The razor in question, Yaqi Avanti, is listed as 316 and nor 316L and is not stated to be CNC machined. That probably means it is cast and then polished. It is therefore a cheap Chinese Clone which is sold at a premium!
Steel actually holds heat better than brass - it has a significantly lower heat conductivity (exact number varies depending on alloy specifics). That, however, also means that it takes it longer to heat up, so while brass might take a minute to warm up, you'd need to have steel exposed to the same amount of heat for a longer time.

If you're comparing how smooth threading is, from what manufacturers were the razors the threads of which you were comparing?
Were you comparing razors from the same manufacturer, made using the same process?

I'm rather unsure whether there was an actual move away from plated brass to steel, as, if I remember things right, the transition was mostly brass → brass+aluminium → zamak (when looking at just Gillette Tech, for example).
I think that, for a while, Fatip was the only manufacturer who would keep up production of brass razors while pretty much everyone else went to zamak (with the occasional brass thread).
Then a few smaller manufacturers started producing steel razors (I think Feather and Above the Tie might've been among the first, but I might well be wrong there).

You're also glossing over the fact that plating varies in quality, and there are many vintage Gillettes with fairly significant amounts of plating loss.
I've had Fatips with plating loss (mostly the Special Editition, which is rather infamous for it), too, and while I haven't babied them, I haven't treated them harshly either.

I haven't held the Avanti in my hands, but it seems unlikely to have been cast - casting steel on the cheap is pretty challenging without bubbles, and even MIM has some telltale signs (I think it's why pretty much all MIM razors have a satin or matte finish).
Looks great though I'm not a fan of the knurling on the knob.

I'm also one of those who prefers plated brass over stainless, they're always so heavy and cold... Not quite so bad when highly polished but even then the heads never seem to glide against your skin quite as smoothly as nickel plating for some reason.

I think the price on this one is totally fair considering the materials (stainless), fabrication (machined) and finishing (polished) - The only cheaper stainless razors out there such as the 3on6 and Rocca use inferior fabrication (MIM) and finishing (unpolished.)
Brass is actually denser than 316L steel (if not by much), so I wonder whether you've compared the same razors in different materials or different designs altogether when you mentioned steel razors being heavy.

I have to say, I like nickel plated brass, though. Shame razors platers come and go fairly quickly (and mostly seem to go).
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