Shaving mirrors?


LeJog 2022 Finisher
I am over in Berlin this moment and decided to use the magnifying shaving mirror in the bathroom. I found it almost impossible to shave using it and went back to the bog standard bathroom mirror. I struggled to have any idea as to where the razor actually was and where it was going.

Am I alone?
I check the magnifying side for touch ups but not otherwise really.

Lighting is a biggy for me, I'm currently at the wife's aunt & uncle's holiday home in Cornwall. Very nice, all rooms have posh en suite bathrooms but the lighting is a bit crap.

I hate bathrooms with no natural light, probably cos I'm spoilt at home with a massive window in front of where I shave, so daylight floods in for daytime shaves & have good moveable spotlights for evening shaves.

Right now I'm stuck with a bathroom with no proper window, only a crap skylight the size of a dinner plate, spots set in the ceiling, and in the only spot that does move, over the mirror, the bulb has gone. Went to shave in the kids bathroom as their mirror bulb works, and it's rubbish anyway. Really struggling to see enough to shave properly and I'm stuck with this for two weeks :(

Another pet hate is mirrors steaming up, I take my pedestal mirror out of the bathroom during my shower / bath to prevent this. Hotel bathrooms are absolutely crap for this

@Satanfriendly I had a go with the iKon OC, enjoyed it apart from 2 nicks despite trying my best to go steady and show it respect. As per above, considering I could barely see my face and was going by feel more than anything, it felt pretty good !
@Satanfriendly I had a go with the iKon OC, enjoyed it apart from 2 nicks despite trying my best to go steady and show it respect. As per above, considering I could barely see my face and was going by feel more than anything, it felt pretty good !

Glad to hear some enjoyment was had. I think you may enjoy the closed even more but do be careful with that axe Eugene

As I mentioned do try the ATT handles with your 89. You may be surprised at how it changes their nature and raises their game
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