Rapira razor (not blade)

Anyone familiar with these?

Described as being "For aggressive shaving. This safety razor not suitable for wet shave beginners!", I've seen them described elsewhere as being as efficient as an R41 but I've no experience with that razor to compare.

It's definitely more efficient/aggressive than a Gillette Tech - I tried to take some blade gap photos, but such are my poor camera skills there's no discernible difference between the images, although it's clear in real life.

I picked up the above metal handled version from voskhod.eu, but there's also a cheaper plastic-handled version bundled with Rapira Platinum Lux blades which is more widely available. It gave me a very close (near exfoliating) shave this morning, but without any nicks, cuts or weepers. I think I'm a fan (though I doubt I'll be using it every day).

Any other Rapira fans out there?
Anyone familiar with these?
View attachment 36486

Described as being "For aggressive shaving. This safety razor not suitable for wet shave beginners!", I've seen them described elsewhere as being as efficient as an R41 but I've no experience with that razor to compare.

It's definitely more efficient/aggressive than a Gillette Tech - I tried to take some blade gap photos, but such are my poor camera skills there's no discernible difference between the images, although it's clear in real life.

I picked up the above metal handled version from voskhod.eu, but there's also a cheaper plastic-handled version bundled with Rapira Platinum Lux blades which is more widely available. It gave me a very close (near exfoliating) shave this morning, but without any nicks, cuts or weepers. I think I'm a fan (though I doubt I'll be using it every day).

Any other Rapira fans out there?
A honest review, I'm familiar with the blades that come with the razor, which are very suited to my skin type..The razor look like the Lord Fresh L125 razor, which i have the only difference is it has the merkur style head instead of the gillette tech style.
It's a fairly light razor, but it performs really well with the right blade choice.Regards. B
I'm fairly new to DE shaving, started in Nov18. The Rapira Swedish Steel razor was my 2nd razor I bought, (the Wilkinson sword classic didn't really work with the blades I had at the time). I use the Rapira primarily to shave my head and I also use it in my rotation. Really not sure if I would call it aggressive, but I'm not that sure about my own judgement of different razors.
I'm not sure which one we're looking at, then ... the picture above doesn't show.

I've had one of these: https://voskhod.eu/safety-razors/safety-razor-rapira-platinum-lux ... yeah, it shaved. Like a late Tech. Same as the Rubie, 7 O'Clock, Sterling and all manner of other brands. I don't recall anything particularly different or especially efficient about it. It shaved.

That's the same razor that was in my original post (well, the same head - I went large and treated myself to the one with the metal handle). I've been exposed to a good few more razors since I posted and I now know that it's not quite as agressive as it was made out to be, but it's definitely more agressive/efficient than Gillette Sterling/Super Blue Techs to my mind/face.
I have one and it looks like a Gilette Tech clone. It is a pretty decent razor and does the job well but I would not say it was aggressive. I should use it more often.
Hard to say. I have two of these, one bought from voskhod.eu which is more assertive than a regular Tech, but not aggressive. My second, picked up as a spare from a bazaar in Malaysia is significantly more aggressive, to the extent that I only use it for holding part-used blades, not for shaving. It came as quite a surprise. You won't know which one you get until it appears, unfortunately.
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