Charles Macdaniel stub tail 1814 - 1851

Tuesday February 8, 2011
Well I'm very pleased to say this restoration turned out well and what a relief, I was very nervous about this restoration for me as the whole point was to turn this one out in as perfect and original condition as possible, the super thin Ivory scales were an absolute nightmare to remove almost 2 hours of gently trying my patience beyond belief, the pins were the exact same thickness as the pivot hole sitting there married together for possibly 180 years, I finally managed to release the blade with no cracks or breaks phew! now I know how a brain surgeon must feel, the next issue the scales showed some old ink marks god knows how long they had been there, with a little warm water in the sink and some bicarbonate of soda between my fore finger and thumb gentle rubbing low an behold both ink marks removed, the next issue and for those of you who have worked vintage Ivory scales will only two well, it's one thing removing them now comes the next big headache repining them, well everything went well no issues, hope you enjoy the razor she's a real beauty, I plan to shave with her over the weekend.










Well I'm very pleased to say this restoration turned out well and what a relief, I was very nervous about this restoration for me as the whole point was to turn this one out in as perfect and original condition as possible, the super thin Ivory scales were an absolute nightmare to remove almost 2 hours of gently trying my patience beyond belief, the pins were the exact same thickness as the pivot hole sitting there married together for possibly 180 years, I finally managed to release the blade with no cracks or breaks phew! now I know how a brain surgeon must feel, the next issue the scales showed some old ink marks god knows how long they had been there, with a little warm water in the sink and some bicarbonate of soda between my fore finger and thumb gentle rubbing low an behold both ink marks removed, the next issue and for those of you who have worked vintage Ivory scales will only two well, it's one thing removing them now comes the next big headache repining them, well everything went well no issues, hope you enjoy the razor she's a real beauty, I plan to shave with her over the weekend.










Great job J, well done. P.
That is a beauty, great restoration if ever you get tired of shaving with it send the beauty my way, absolutely stunning.

Thank you.

Fantastic! What made me laugh was the guy who asked on FB who would you send it to too hone it :)

Ron, I also found that quite funny.

Great job Jamie, Ivory scales are a pain to work on, I got one that I had to re-pin but can't remove the pin.

Thank you Cem, yes those Ivory scales can be a pain to unpin.
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