
Sunday September 14, 2014
Hi Chaps,

I have ink and consider it a big part of my wardrobe!

Do any of you have tattoos you are happy to share?

Full view:

Top outside:

Top inside:

Outside forearm:

Inside forearm :

I hope I'm not the only ink fan on here.

What's the idea behind the green crab-face bit???

I quite like tats but don't have any. Just never been bothered to do so. My wife hates them so doubt I'll get one...unless I want to annoy her at some point.
I've got a few, nothing as good as yours though.
I'm a fan and would like to have more, but have other things to spend my money on (razors, blades, cycling, fitness, FAMILY!), so doubt I'll get any more.
The Heikegani is cool.
Skull & Bones on left forearm, Skull with cap left bicep, Ju Jitsu insignie on right bicep. Still considering a final one on right forearm, quite fancy John Wintergreen head & shoulders.

JohnnyO. :icon_razz:/.
Nothing like that, just a Lion Rampant on my bicep. Not worth getting the camera out for.

I've wanted another for ages but can't settle on what to have. I did think about having a copy of my grandad's navy tattoo, but couldn't find a decent picture of it.
I've a few.

SWMBO's name on arm as well as both the kids names in Chinese, one on each arm. Seven stars on lower right arm and a large nautical star, and a large star on left arm, both on inside of arm. A Polynesian style arm band (all the way around) and a Gargoyle on top of right arm. On left arm at top I have a Sailor Jerry style Hula Girl.

Have several ideas of what I would like next, but first up will be a recolour of the stars as they weren't completed very well.
got a left arm full of tats, a peacock, butterflies, fuschia and cushag flowers, cherry blossom, a jasmine flower and a bible quote. my upper right arm has a skull, and dragon tattoo. stars on my chest, and a purple ohm tattoo on my right wrist which is the same design as an lsd blotter design. some of the tattooing on my upper left arm is a cover up of a footy hooliganesque tattoo of a bulldog and union jack.
wish id never bothered at all to be honest :D
p.b said:
I have 'sweet and sour pork' in Chinese on my left biceps


You do have a point. I did a lot of research before having my Chinese ones. I even paid someone. A while after having them done I went to the opticians and the optician was a young Chinese woman. She saw my tattoos and read them both and they translated exactly as they should. She even explained the characters how they were explained to me.
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