This wasn't in the brochure....

Wednesday June 6, 2018
G'day - from Perth, Western Australia...where it is absolutely pi$$ing it down (hence the title). Originally from sunny Manchester (o_O) and have been living in Oz for the last 12yrs.

spent a long time using the old Gillette Mach 3 blades, but then (bizarrely after watching james, im not quite sure how my mind works either) had a desire to be a 'proper' shaver and so decided to take the plunge and go down the DE route.

Lots of surfing, lurking and reading later and I settled on a 34C and a few bits from Geo F Trumper. That was 12 months ago.

I have now spent a small fortune on more 'stuff' and my side of the bathroom cabinet (which was always pretty empty) is now comparable to the wife's side.....:oops:

I've managed a few nicks and cuts here and there, but no amputations...thus far. My regime is both face and head (skins in...!!) and my daily drivers are either my 34C or my 37C slant. When I'm in a particularly brave mood I let the R41 out for a spin...although she scares me....a lot! Just taken delivery of a Rockwell 6S...first shave this morning was very nice (and I used an Astra green for a change) on R3.

I started off with a party pack of blades, and tried them in order and now really only use feathers. My routine is pretty much shower, Proraso green pre-shave, quick squidge of somersets (tough stubble), lather (usually cream - TOBS is current fave) whipped in a Japanese suribachi bowl with a Razorock plissoft big bruce/omega #10049, and finish off with alum, Thayer's, and a dash of Trumper's Skin food.

impending purchases (because there are ALWAYS impending purchases) are some sort of rack/holder for the DE's and brushes, and a new lather bowl (been looking at Little Wren pottery today and was very impressed).

Thanks for having me!
Welcome along!! Go full Bond (from Skyfall at least) and get a straight.

I believe previous bonds used a Gillette Slim Adjustable and a Hoffritz of some sort.
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