What's your desktop wallpaper?

Oh boy, brilliant, thanks loads.
I thought it was a lost cause.
Nice and tidy.

(I am so easily pleased)
As and when the mood took me, roughly once a quarter for a week, I would have this image as a background (I used to share my screen a lot at work, and I mean a lot, during conference calls and one to one sessions (I rarely worked with anyone in my own country). Being asked about it when my secondary (shared) desktop was revealed as we worked, I would park the natural conversation until 5 minutes before the end of the call.


A favourite book of mine is Straight and Crooked Thinking by the father of Psi (as in Psi Power), which I found in an alternative bookshop in Penzance back in the late eighties. It's mandatory reading for anyone susceptible to conspiracy theories or manipulative charismatics along with those exposed to the British press (all levels) and/ or the contents of Hansards (sorry, close to forum rule breach) and, oh, anyone who has ever been gullible.

The wiki page has links worth exploring (study, for heavens sake!) and you can also download a copy of the book as a pdf

Oh - my current wallpaper is a uniform black.
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